Student Voice


February 16, 2025

Chris Gregg

12 Dec 2018

Dear future journalism students

As graduation approaches, it is a time of both excitement but also some waking fears on what is next. However, this time allows individuals to take a step back and reflect on their time, and I can say that I have been doing that a lot lately.

02 May 2018

Student orgs face disparity in funding requests

The five most recent budget periods have seen considerable decreases in amounts allocated to student organizations. The 2018-19 academic year budgets approved in March were just $120,600. This is down from $204,633 during the 2014-15 academic year. There was a 52.6 percent decrease in allotted amounts since 2012.

25 Apr 2018

Relationship between U.S. and Canada set to be explored next year

The university will celebrate the Year of Canada during the 2018-19 academic year. The northern-most country bordering the United States has many influences that can be seen in health care, trade, agriculture products and presidential visits.

18 Apr 2018

University partnership gives students from China experience in American culture -- the good and bad

These students are here as a part of the partnership that UWRF and Zhejiang International Studies University have maintained for 30 years. The program allows ZISU students to complete their junior year at UWRF and gain valuable elementary education experience. Though the program has many advantages, participants also experience challenges including: language barriers and difficulties adjusting to American cultures.

04 Apr 2018

Students develop a company that helps restore dignity to senior citizens

Juniors Reid Wilson, Forrest Close and Miles Peterson created a research project for the Innovation Challenge, which was sponsored by the College of Business and Economics, at UW-River Falls this semester. The goal of the project was to design an adult brief that addressed concerns from patients and their caregivers. The project won first place at the challenge and the team is preparing for the next round, the Wisconsin Big Idea Tournament.

28 Mar 2018

River Falls prepares for School Board election

Six candidates are running to fill four soon-to-be vacant seats on the School District of River Falls’ School Board during the April 3 election. Candidates include business leaders and educators from River Falls and the surrounding area. Each candidate was given the opportunity to respond to questions to compile a portfolio of each candidate.

21 Mar 2018

Influx in freshmen leads to crowded dining services

The 2017-18 academic year saw an 8 1/2 percent increase in meal plans. However, 2010 brought the largest number of meal plans in university history with 3,047 active meal plans.

28 Feb 2018

Stage and Screen Arts sees growth, gains valuable experience

Senior Kyia Britts has almost always felt at home either on stage or behind the curtains. She has been involved in theater since the age of 8 and chose to attend UW-River Falls to major in Theater Arts to continue her passion. Britts, like the other 55 current Stage and Screen Arts majors, chose the UWRF Arts department for their post-secondary education for a number of reasons – namely the size of the university.

21 Feb 2018

UWRF has mixed reactions to the UW System policy on free speech

“It’s complicated, man.” That is exactly how sophomore Mamu Hashim described the climate of freedom of speech at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. The UW System Board of Regents recently approved a new policy on freedom of expression. The policy suspends or expel students that disrupt “the free speech of others/functioning of the institution” two or more times. This policy has garnered mixed reactions from students and organizations at UWRF.

14 Feb 2018

Advice from program alumni on studying abroad is simple: Just do it

As the sun rises through the tall panes of glass in the castle walls, students begin to stir. As students rise, they peer into the Scottish mountainside. They observe the lush greenery as they prepare to undertake another day of field trips across Europe.

Chris Gregg