Student Voice


February 12, 2025

Phillip Bock

09 Oct 2008

Public Safety to become police force

UW-River Falls Public Safety has begun the transition to change into a certified police force. With the transition, Public Safety will be changing its name to University Police and Parking.

24 Sep 2008

Professor dies after yearlong battle with leukemia

Kamal Adam, assistant professor of agricultural engineering technology, died Sept. 23 following a yearlong battle with leukemia.

02 May 2008

University will receive 10-year reaccreditation

UW-River Falls will receive a 10-year reaccreditation to the Higher Learning Commission following a positive review by a seven-member review team that visited campus April 21-23.

24 Apr 2008

Fire incident causes concern

A fire April 5 at UW-Stout that killed three students at an off-campus housing complex brings the importance of fire safety at UW-River Falls to light.

24 Apr 2008

Senior recitals underway in KFA

Music students on campus will be performing senior recitals over the next few weeks in the Abbott Concert Hall.

17 Apr 2008

Suicide threats, depression rise among students

Depression among UW-River Falls students is on the rise, but there are several campus services that can help students deal with the college stress.

08 Apr 2008

Chancellor Betz set to resign

Chancellor Don Betz announced Tuesday that he will resign his position at the end of June to assume the presidency of the three-campus Northeastern State University in Oklahoma.

27 Mar 2008

New graduate program awaits approval

A new graduate program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) will soon be offered at UW-River Falls.

06 Mar 2008

New group combines martial arts, dance

A new group on campus combines Afro-Brazilian martial arts and rhythmic dance moves into an art form called Capoeira.

19 Feb 2008

UWRF students vote in Wisconsin primary

UW-River Falls students braved the cold weather on Tuesday to turn out and vote in the Wisconsin presidential primary in the University Center.

Phillip Bock

Phillip Bock is a student at UW-River Falls.