Student Voice


February 7, 2025

Letter to the editor

Student defends beliefs, religion

May 8, 2009

Normally when a student writes a paper or gives a speech, they gather research from various sources. It really breaks my heart that students care so much for their grade, but not for the feelings or personal beliefs of other students.

Does anyone really know the true meaning of Christianity or Catholicism? Or are they basing their understandings on one person’s comment or allowing the mistake of a Christian to be amplified because they assume all Christians claim perfection?

It’s never fun to admit you’re wrong, but I will admit that I’m not perfect at handling these sorts of situations. I believe we’re all sinners, and no person is better or worse than the other just because their sin is bigger or smaller.

It’s hurtful to share with people that I’m a Catholic and have them cringe. I feel very rejected from this campus when I see countless references mocking my faith. I think it’s sad to take cheap shots at the Catholic Church and draw comics of the Pope melting.

That shows a large lack of maturity and that puts false blame on the Catholic Church being the only church that believes that gay marriage is not of God.

On the subject of homosexuals, before you bash the opinion of a Christian, you should understand where that opinion comes from. I, personally, have been taught that the sin does not lie in the feelings of a person, but the actions.

A pastor, and friend of mine, related the sin of homosexuality to that of a sexually promiscuous person (for example, if a woman has sex with several men). This action does not encourage the traditional idea of marriage. It breaks the bond of two people becoming one, because she gives herself to more than one man.

Homosexuality breaks the bond of two people becoming one because when they would consummate their marriage, they would remain as two individuals. Both of these are selfish and for personal pleasure. Neither act would be done to carry out the will of God.

I think the major upset with Mr. Sparks’ column was that he thought civil unions would not be enough for the homosexual community. He wanted more, and thought they deserved more.

Mr. Bergquist said, “If Christians wish to define marriage on their own terms and sanctions certain types of unions in their churches, they are free to do so.”

We already have. Marriage was established the day our Lord created Adam and Eve. I think a fundamental difference in the argument would have to be the definitions of happiness and marriage.

I associate happiness with fulfillment, and I believe that total fulfillment will come only from God because He created us and knows how to perfectly love us and make us happy.

Why do homosexuals feel oppressed? I have a hard time believing that their unhappiness can be blamed on the restrictions of their legal rights.

If my happiness depended on the government I’d be depressed.

It’s arguable to say whether being gay is a choice or not. Nonetheless, marriage is a choice.

Straight or not, at some point in a mature relationship the two people marrying have to consent their commitment making a choice.

Regarding Ms. Pollock’s statement about Ted Haggard, it is clear to see that he is an example of a preacher with homosexual tendencies. However, just because an imperfect human made a mistake does not mean that God’s law changes.

If Mr. Brookins truly believes that Catholics instill fear into their children, he has some intense research to do. When the word ‘fear’ is used in the Bible, it means wonder and awe. We are to be fearful in the presence of Christ. We adore Him.

My parents raised me to be loving and act as Christ, not be scared of Him. Religion isn’t built on fear, it’s built on faith.

Many people think that Catholics are against gay marriage. I am not trying to restrict the rights of anyone, but I’m trying to protect my personal convictions.

Last time I checked, I have the same rights to do that as a homosexual. If anyone’s opinion of the Catholic Church is taken from a bad priest or know-it-all parishioner and hates the Catholic Church, they need to study the foundations of the faith before they form an opinion.

There is more proof that Jesus walked this Earth than there is that rocks formed a billion years ago, and we, as imperfect humans, try to follow this real man’s teachings and praise Him for forgiving us of unavoidable ignorance and stupidity.

We believe that all faiths of Christianity are our loving brothers and sisters and that all non-believers are still loved more than they want to be.

I think the hardest thing for non-Christians to understand is what Christians really believe. I know that I believe that God isn’t just mine. He’s all of ours. That’s why it’s so hurtful to see how rejected He is.
These are my beliefs as a Catholic Christian. My beliefs and opinions in this letter are my own.

Just because I am not a product of our liberal education system does not mean that I am wrong.

I, as an American citizen, have freedom of speech as well, even if it doesn’t match up with yours. I, however, believe that to live in a country of freedom is a privilege, not a right, and hope that we all step back and think more before we abuse that privilege.

Katrina Ripley, student
