Letter to the editor
Administration plan not plausible
May 4, 2007
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you how proactive our administration is on this campus. As we all know, a horrific tragedy took place at Virginia Tech on April 16, leaving 33 people dead. My heart grieves for those at Virginia Tech, but I am writing this letter to thank our administration for being so proactive in their approach to keep students safe while in class.
On April 20, all subscribers of the "Falcon Daily" received a special edition, consisting of information for students and faculty if a situation as horrific as the one at Virginia Tech ever happened here at UW-River Falls. It gives two main measures. The first measure is understandable and makes sense as it details information for professors seeking to report disruptive students. It is the second point that concerns me the most. It states, "Please inform the campus community of measures to be taken in event of an intrusion by an armed individual whose agenda is to kill, not take hostages. In such cases you should immediately contact 9- 911 and explicitly follow their direction."
In giving the UWRF campus such a great plan of preparedness, I would like to thank the administration. For if there was to be a shooting in a classroom here, God forbid, everyone would be on their cell phones trying to shout above the gun shots as the students "explicitly" attempted to follow the directions given over the phone. As I graduate, I will be praying that such a flawless policy will never have to be put into action.
Kyle Reimann