Student Voice


February 7, 2025

Nick Carpenter

08 May 2008

UWRF service extends advice, career tools

Students looking to brush up on their interviewing skills and build a stronger resume are flocking to UW-River Falls’ Career Services (CS) for assistance.

24 Apr 2008

Student advocates for victims' rights

Last week, April 13-19, was National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. UW-River Falls senior Beth Ashton played a large role by raising public awareness about victims’ rights and services.

24 Apr 2008

Communities unite at 15th annual campus event

Unity in the Community day started in 1993, although its roots date back a year earlier to 1992 when a white UWRF student decided to write “KKK” in masking tape on the residence hall door of some African-American students.

17 Apr 2008

Students make history with sudoku program

Three UW-River Falls students made history this week by becoming the first UWRF math team awarded the Meritorious designation by the Mathematical Association of America.

03 Apr 2008

Students have trouble finding teaching jobs

UW-River Falls students from the College of Education and Professional Studies are finding it increasingly difficult to find teaching jobs close to home.

28 Feb 2008

UWRF softball anticipates record season

The UW-River Falls softball team is gearing up for a season of record proportions, one which they hope will end with a school record 35 or more wins.

28 Feb 2008

UWRF University Theatre to perform 'Setzuan'

Originally written by German playwright Bertolt Brecht, and later adapted by Tony Kuschner, “The Good Person of Setzuan” provides an easy-to-follow story with a significant meaning, guest director Zach Curtis said.

13 Dec 2007

UWRF coach is right where she wants to be

As a young girl growing up on the South side of Minneapolis, Cindy Hovet had a fairly concrete idea of what she wanted to be when she grew up. “I always knew I wanted to be a basketball coach,” Hovet said.

15 Nov 2007

Cruze Club becomes a new addition to UWRF

The UW-River Falls Cruze Club became the newest campus club four weeks ago thanks in large part to club president and founder, Allen Chapdelaine.

08 Nov 2007

Limo offers bar-goers safety

Winter is right around the corner and UW-River Falls students hoping for a warmer trek to and from their favorite watering hole now have an alternative to walking.

Nick Carpenter

Nick Carpenter is a student at UW-River Falls.