Student Voice


March 3, 2025

Amanda White

18 Apr 2013

Bombings bring perspective

I was going to write this week’s column about my weekend trip to see my aunt and her family, but then the explosions in Boston happened and I didn’t feel much like writing about seeing a musical and shopping.

21 Mar 2013

New York culture shock turns out different than expected

Before I moved to New York, people used to tell me all the time that I was in for a rude awakening.

14 Mar 2013

Midwest girl slowly becoming New York woman

I can feel it in my bones. A change in how I feel about New York. I think my tourist phase is almost over.

07 Mar 2013

First time at Broadway musical, Central Park draws shock, awe

One of the main reasons why I wanted to move to New York City was Broadway.

28 Feb 2013

High heels create headache on trip

I consider myself reasonably up-to-date on trends and fashion. I highlight my hair, buy new mascara every few months and peruse (OK more like devour) fashion magazines every month. However, there is one thing I have never been able to accomplish. I cannot wear heels.

21 Feb 2013

New friends bring new adventures

“The Breakfast Club.” “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” “Harry Potter.” These classic films all have one thing in common: a ragtag bunch of misfits who somehow come together and form a bond like none other.

14 Feb 2013

Phone lost, found in New York

I both lost and found my iPhone the first weekend I was in New York. It’s a story worth telling because realistically, I should not have my iPhone right now.

07 Feb 2013

First adventures in New York

This semester I am on the adventure of my life. I moved to New York City with an exchange program called National Student Exchange. On Jan. 25, I boarded a plane with two bags and took off for the city of my dreams. I have wanted to live in New York City since “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” and the Disney version of “Annie,” so this whole process is very surreal.

06 Dec 2012

C-Store sisters learn to work together, forge new bond

You may or may not have noticed something funny about Freddy’s C-Store this semester. This semester two students were hired to work at the C-Store.

29 Nov 2012

Winter fashion in full swing at UWRF

I bit the bullet this week and confronted my fears of approaching people.
The truth is, I feel totally creepy when I just walk up to someone I don’t know and ask if I can take his or her picture.

Amanda White

Amanda White is a junior majoring in journalism. She appreciates good books, good style, and good conversation.