Student Voice


December 21, 2024

Contact information

Editorial and business office

The Student Voice
410 S. Third Street
304 North Hall
River Falls, WI 54022
Phone: (715) 425-3118

E-mail addresses

Editor: Jack Van Hoof,
Assistant editor: Lexi Janzer,
Advertising manager:
Faculty advisor: Andris Straumanis,

Letters to editor

Letters concerning coverage or content should be directed to:

The Student Voice
410 S. Third St.
304 North Hall
River Falls, WI 54022


The Student Voice is written and edited by students of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and they are solely responsible for its editorial policy and content. The opinions expressed in editorials and columns do not represent those of the newspaper's adviser, student population, administration, faculty or staff. Letters to the editor must be legible, contain a first and last name and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be published. Please limit letters to 300 words. The Student Voice reserves the right to edit any material for content or space. It also reserves the right to withhold letters.

Letters to the editor become the property of the Student Voice and cannot be returned. Only one letter per person per week will be accepted. The Student Voice retains reprint rights to all published material.

All letters to the editor, news releases and briefs must also be submitted no later than noon on Wednesdays.


Questions or comments about our website may be directed to