Student Voice


March 13, 2025

Brittany Flatten

09 May 2013

University Police provide more than just security

I recently heard some students bashing University Police (UP) saying that all they do is ruin the fun and that they are not even real police officers so they shouldn’t be able to pull people over and give tickets.

25 Apr 2013

Discontinuation of test-outs presents dual views

The Health and Human Performance (HHP) department has decided that as of fall semester 2013, no more test-outs will be offered for the physical education activity courses that roughly 100 students take advantage of each semester.

28 Feb 2013

Inequality hinders success for low-income Americans

The American Dream is something that was very important to the generations before us and many people today are still striving to achieve it.

07 Feb 2013

Library introduces improved search tool

UW-River Falls faculty, staff and students are now able to try out the beta version of a new library search tool that was recently implemented.

13 Dec 2012

Walker proposes higher ed budget

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has proposed initiatives to change how public higher education would receive government funding. This change would affect all UW System schools, including UW-River Falls.

06 Dec 2012

Student Senate aims to increase visibility

With the fall semester drawing to a close, Student Senate looks toward the spring semester and evaluates what has been accomplished thus far and what needs to be improved going forward.

29 Nov 2012

Student, Faculty Senates recommend tobacco-free campus to chancellor

The Chancellor’s Task Force on a Campus Tobacco Policy is recommending a July 1, 2013, implementation date for their policy on a tobacco-free campus. Both Faculty and Student Senate have passed motions of support and all that is needed now is the chancellor’s final stamp of approval.

15 Nov 2012

Budget cycle restarts again on UW-River Falls campus

The allocable fees budget process has begun with student organizations attending trainings, completing and submitting budgets, and the Allocable Fees and Appropriations Board (AFAB) preparing for another budget cycle that will result in a completed budget in the spring.

08 Nov 2012

Republicans look to future

The results from the elections are in and President Barack Obama has defeated Governor Mitt Romney and has been re-elected to serve another four years.

01 Nov 2012

Romney challenges with five-point plan

Republican candidate for U.S. President Mitt Romney has been campaigning with a focus on his five-point plan.

Brittany Flatten

Brittany Flatten is a senior majoring in journalism and minoring in international studies. When she graduates from UW-River Falls, she wants to become a foreign correspondent in Brussels, Belgium.