Student Voice


September 14, 2024

Reagan Responds

On politics and the coronavirus

March 12, 2020

In 2020 it can be very disheartening to discuss anything remotely related to politics. When in a relationship with someone that has significant political differences, I think there are a couple of ways to work around that situation.

Choosing a Valentine's gift and pondering the Twins

February 14, 2020

There are a lot of different routes to take when choosing a gift for a significant other for Valentine’s Day. Some people decide to go get expensive jewelry, some go for cards and flowers, and others opt for dinner at a nice restaurant.

Dealing with an annoying family

December 12, 2019

As the holiday season is coming into full swing, we start to see a lot more of our family, sometimes more often than we would like.

The Minnesota Gophers and student organizations

November 21, 2019

This season the Gophers have completely changed their identity as a college football program. What was once a program filled with defeat, failure and sub-par results is now being recognized on a national level for the first time in at least 15 years. P.J. Fleck and his enthusiasm, energy and schematic play-calling have put Minnesota on the map as a major college program.

The Falcons can get back on track

October 18, 2019

To get back on track this season a lot of things need to happen for the Falcons. The first thing that needs to happen is having the defense get quality stops.

Coping with stress at the start of fall semester

September 19, 2019

As the leaves begin to change colors and the fall semester begins to roll around, other things arrive at the same time – stress. For some students, it may be their first semester on campus. For others, it could be their final semester as a Falcon at UW-River Falls. No matter how far along students are in their college career, they are more than likely being impacted by stress.

Reagan advises on new love and women’s basketball

May 9, 2019

Breaking the ice can be tricky at first. I think the best thing to do when in a new relationship, is pick an activity that is often done for first dates.

Dealing with heartbreak and graduating teammates

April 18, 2019

Getting over a hard breakup completely depends on the person who is dealing with the breakup. The best way to get over a tough breakup is to do something that you love.

Texting, Snapchat not meant for serious conversations

March 14, 2019

I think in general it’s a bad idea to have serious conversations over text message. If something serious has happened, or two people need to discuss something important, then it is much better to take the time to call them on the phone or meet them in person.

Here is this semester's Student Voice staff. Click on a name to see what the staff member has written.

Jack Schindler Van Hoof


Lexi Janzer

Assistant Editor

Anna Gunderson

General Manager

Joshua Brauer


Rachel Karweick


Ethan Lay


Ashley Patrin


Madelyn Retzlaff


Ella Tretsven
