Student Voice


March 29, 2025

Rachel Karweick

01 Nov 2023

Chancellor advocates for reciprocity legislation

Chancellor Maria Gallo, and staff from other UW universities, testified before the Wisconsin Senate Committee on Universities and Revenue in support of a bill that will help UW System schools retain some of the reciprocity dollars that their Minnesota students pay.

21 Apr 2023

UW System and UWRF to raise tuition

The University of Wisconsin System is preparing to raise tuition across all of its campuses, including UW-River Falls.

15 Dec 2022

Student spending on course materials declines nationwide

At universities across the United States, there has been a 48% decline in student spending on course materials over the last ten years.

09 Nov 2022

UWRF English department hosts banned book reading event

The University of Wisconsin-River Falls held its annual Banned Book Reading on Nov. 1; this year, they read The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood. Volunteers read the book out loud in twenty-minute slots in the Art Gallery of UW-River Falls’ Kleinpell Fine Arts building.

13 Oct 2022

Planned Parenthood educates voters on upcoming candidates values

The Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin is working to show how reproductive rights are an important subject for the upcoming elections and to provide information on candidates.

21 Sep 2022

Wisconsin Tuition Promise offered to UWRF students fall of 2023

The Wisconsin Tuition Promise is a new program that will help underserved Wisconsin students to attend a UW system university without having to pay tuition or fees.

22 Apr 2022

10th annual Ag Day on campus brings alpacas, agricultural leaders

Ag Day took place here on campus on April 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the University Center Mall which is the green space right in front of the University Center. The event is open to all students, all community members, and all staff. At 5:30 p.m. there was a free dinner and keynote speaker Kim Bremmer.

25 Mar 2022

Departments struggle with maintaining student employees

One thing that students can do on campus is find employment. The number of student employees went down during COVID, but it has come back up.

30 Nov 2021

Blue lights offer security to UWRF campus

There are blue light phones located on campus for students to use when they need assistance in an emergency.

13 Nov 2021

Peer mentoring program assists first-year students

The Aspire program is a mentoring program for first-year students who are first-generation college students, are low-income, or are a student of color. It is geared to helping them be successful in their college careers.

Rachel Karweick

Rachel Karweick is a student at UW-River Falls.