Student Voice


March 25, 2025

Awards we have won


The Student Voice won nine awards in the 2022 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest sponsored by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation. Results were announced March 24, 2023, during an awards ceremony in Madison.


The Student Voice won seven awards in the 2021 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest sponsored by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation. Results were announced June 2022 during an awards ceremony in Madison.


An audio story by Ryan Huling about attending college under pandemic restrictions, "The spread and stipulations," won a first-place award for long-form production (non-news) from the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association. Winners of the 2020 WBA Student Awards for Excellence were announced March 6, 2021, during the WBA’s Student Seminar, which was held online because of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Student Voice
The front page of the Oct. 17, 2019, issue of the Student Voice featured a story about the emerald ash borer. The issue was among those that resulted in the campus newspaper earning an award from the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation.

The Student Voice won four awards in the 2019 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest sponsored by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation:

Contest results originally were to be announced in March 2020 during the annual WNA convention, but were delayed until May 2020 when spread of the coronavirus forced cancellation of the event. Judges evaluated a total of 318 entries from 14 campus newspapers across 20 categories.


The Student Voice picked up six awards in the 2018 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest sponsored by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation, including three first place honors. Results of the contest were announced March 2019 during the WNA's annual convention in Madison. Winners included:

The Student Voice also continued a consistent record of winning awards for staff-written editorials. The newspaper won third place for a February 2018 editorial, "Gun violence is horrible, but will only change if we demand it." A total of 283 entries from 11 campus newspapers across Wisconsin were entered in the contest.


The Student Voice won second place for best editorial in its publication category from the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation's 2015 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest. The winning editorial was "Loss of UWRF student reminds community how fragile life can be."


The Student Voice earned third place for best editorial in its publication category from the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation's 2014 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest. The winning editorial was "Senate elections struggle with numerous issues."


In the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation's 2013 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest, the Student Voice won first place for best editorial for "Student Senate not representing UWRF student professionally"; Ashley Goettl won second place in general reporting for "For when I am weak, then I am strong"; and Jonathan Reid took third in column writing for "UWRF community remembers Reta's contributions."


In the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation's 2012 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest, the Student Voice earned an honorable mention in general excellence; Ryan Tibbitts won second place in the sports column category for "Small town sports foster sense of community" (published in February 2012); and Michael Brun, a 2012 journalism graduate, earned an honorable mention in general reporting for his October 2011 news story, "AFAB allows seg fee funding for dues-based student orgs."


Jason Larson earned third place in column writing in the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation's 2010 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest for "Gross misunderstandings riddle New York mosque controversy."


Benjamin Brewster earned first place in sports reporting in the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation's 2009 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest for "Former Falcon first, only to be drafted by Major League team," which appeared in the April 4 edition of the Student Voice.


Two staff members of the Student Voice won awards in the 2007 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation. Ben Jipson earned third place in column writing for his December 2006 piece, "Cereal is essential ingredient for dating." Josh Dahlke earned honorable mention in feature writing for his March 2007 story, "Students postpone schooling for military duty."


In the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation's 2006 Collegiate Better Newspaper Contest, Jennie Oemig, assistant editor of the Student Voice, received second place in feature writing for "The heat is on," a behind-the-scenes account of the Central Heating Plant on campus. Other winners were Helen Clarke, former Voice editor and now education reporter at the Manitowoc Times Reporter, and Keighla Schmidt, Voice Viewpoints editor. Clarke received second place in editorial writing for "Protesters lack respect." Schmidt won a certificate of merit in investigative reporting for "Illegal leaking drains wallets."