Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Rachel Ogrodnik

03 May 2007

UWRF adds personal finance course to general education

National statistics regarding student debt have sparked an interest for UW-River Falls to find ways to educate students about credit cards and managing finances.

26 Apr 2007

R.I.S.E. UP comes to River Falls

The Ride to Inspire Student Engagement (R.I.S.E. UP Wisconsin) event came to UW-River Falls Thursday in hopes of increasing youth’s commitment to civic responsibility.

12 Apr 2007

UWRF frats utilize facebook for publicity, not recruiting

Each of the four UW-River Falls fraternities has a Facebook group. Some creators said their group is a way to create publicity, while others said their fraternity has decreased in size.

05 Apr 2007

Twins dominate facebook groups

After spring training, the Minnesota Twins did not appear to be the same American League Central Champions from last season. The UW-River Falls students who created Facebook groups about the team are doing their best to keep the dream of winning another title alive.

29 Mar 2007

Dr. May celebrates Women's History Month

In celebration of Women’s History Month, Elaine Tyler May spoke to the UW-River Falls campus and River Falls community on Tuesday about the topic, “Mating, Dating and Procreating: A Hundred Years of Marriage in America.”

23 Mar 2007

Falcons fans band together on Facebook

Junior Steve Baisden attended 20 men’s hockey games out of the 29 this season. Baisden decided to take his love for hockey one step further when he created the Facebook group “Falcon Fans Unite Join the Flock.”

08 Mar 2007

Students pose as Freddy Falcon during campus events

Freddy Falcon evolved from a 1930 Student Voice contest that named the athletic teams on campus. The $3 prize was awarded to the person who could name a swift, accurate and fearless predator. Harry Roese’s winning entry was the UW-River Falls Falcons.

01 Mar 2007

UWRF Friends program celebrates five years

Friends of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) and UW-River Falls have been working together as a campus-recognized organization for five years.

22 Feb 2007

Minnesota threatens to end reciprocity

The University of Minnesota (U of M) System is threatening to end a longstanding tuition pact with Wisconsin after realizing how many millions of dollars were lost in tuition.

15 Feb 2007

City Council plans future reconstruction for Cascade

Some consider Cascade Avenue as the main road of the UW-River Falls campus. It is used daily by pedestrians and drivers. On Jan. 23, the River Falls City Council decided to start planning the reconstruction of Cascade Avenue from Spruce Street to Wasson Lane, basically Main Street to Highway 65.

Rachel Ogrodnik

Rachel Ogrodnik is a student at UW-River Falls.