Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Jaime Haines

10 Feb 2012

Organizing your schedule to complete your daily tasks

Armed with a planner and a little discipline, you can seize control of the semester by establishing a schedule.

16 Dec 2011

The benefits of productivity, making the most out of this J-Term break

While a full month off seems to offer endless time to be productive, many students find themselves scrambling the last few days of January to finish their J-Term to-do list.

09 Dec 2011

Loving your body during the holiday season

This holiday season, instead of hating yourself for not looking like pictures in the magazines or for taking that second cookie, learn to love your body and treat it well.

02 Dec 2011

Detail vs. big picture, understanding fortifies relationships

Everyone has their own way of viewing the world and the situations they come across. Some focus on the big picture and greater purpose while others concentrate on the details involved in accomplishing a task. Most people fall in the middle somewhere.

18 Nov 2011

Restoring the meaning of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving originated around the premise of giving thanks, but today it has evolved into a feeding frenzy. People travel hours to gather with their families, catch up, and eat until they cannot move. This year, try a throwback day by remembering the holiday’s original intent and make Thanksgiving about appreciating your life, thanking family, and helping others.

11 Nov 2011

Lifestyle improves by downsizing material possessions

American society is based on owning objects. Women are portrayed as “shopaholics” who love sales because then they can buy even more. Men are known to always want more video games and faster vehicles. Families often wish for larger houses and for more things to fill them.

04 Nov 2011

How to proactively fight the winter blues this season

Despite the weeks of denial, it can no longer be contested: winter is almost here. As November begins, it brings cold days, bone chilling winds and eventually, snow deep enough to bury us entirely. While some eagerly await the pristine, […]

28 Oct 2011

Off-campus living: Tips, advice for finding your own starter bungalow

Moving off campus is a huge decision that requires a lot of preparation to be successfully done. You must meet the University’s eligibility requirements, begin your search early, consider basic factors like location and expense, choose your roommates, and create […]

21 Oct 2011

Wavering anti-depressant medication myths debunked

More than 10 percent of Americans take anti-depressants, medication which helps alleviate depression. Unfortunately, most believe myths surrounding their problems and their resulting treatments. Most anti-depressants alter brain chemistry by increasing the amounts of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and/or […]

14 Oct 2011

Advantages gained from taking risks

“God sends each person into this world with a special message to deliver, with a special song to sing for others, with a special act of love to bestow. No one else can speak your message, or sing your song, […]

Jaime Haines

Jaime Haines is an exuberant puppy-lover and “House” addict and plans to use her psychology degree to encourage activism and well-being through counseling, workshops, speeches, and the written word.