Picture Lady a Small Town Celebrity: News Deserts Impact on a Community
March 13, 2024
I’m with my parents in our local grocery store called Piggly Wiggly. It has everything from a bakery and deli to a liquor store, all in one building. If you're from a small town you know a grocery store is where you run into everyone you know or someone who knows you. An elderly couple came up to me in the grocery store and asked, “Are you Sally Kahlhamer’s granddaughter?” I’m in the second grade. My family, made up of my little brother, mom, and dad are all volunteering at our Lutheran school concession stand when the referee, getting a dark blue Gatorade, asked me, “Is your grandma here today? I was going to ask her if she’s going to be at the upcoming high school volleyball game.”
Moz Rude: one artist versus the world in the Twin Cities
March 13, 2024
Enthusiasm shimmers in Moz Rude’s eyes as they talk with visitors of Northern Clay Center, a studio in Minneapolis that holds classes and exhibitions, all of which focus on the ceramic arts. One of these classes is Northern Clay Center’s ART@Hand Winter Open House Workshop, where visitors of all skill levels can sculpt small, holiday-themed decorations from clay and have them fired. Two stencils are available: a polar bear and a Christmas tree, but Moz Rude is quick to remind the amateur ceramists that these are far from the only possibilities. “Anything can happen in a studio,” Moz says. “Reality doesn’t exist here.”
Here is this semester's Student Voice staff. Click on a name to see what the staff member has written.
Jack Schindler Van Hoof
Lexi Janzer
Assistant Editor
Anna Gunderson
General Manager
Joshua Brauer
Rachel Karweick
Ethan Lay
Ashley Patrin
Madelyn Retzlaff
Ella Tretsven