Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Jennie Oemig

27 Oct 2006

Music channels swap bad videos for worse reality shows

Waking up in the wee hours of Monday morning to prepare for an exam that I was sure would be the demise of me, I found something on TV completely out of the ordinary: music videos...on MTV and VH1.

26 Oct 2006

Texting replaces doodling in class

Although UW-River Falls professors try to thwart the disruption of class by encouraging students to turn their phones off or on silent mode, text messaging is quickly becoming a menace in the classroom. Because text messaging does not require students to verbally communicate with someone, it is possible to silently send and receive messages without drawing attention from professors.

19 Oct 2006

Vandals take aim at vehicles

Article written by: Helen Clarke and Jennie Oemig Vehicle vandalism and small thefts have been on the rise on the UW-River Falls campus, leaving several students who park their vehicles in campus lots with hundreds of dollars in damage repairs. […]

05 Oct 2006

UW-RF to hold vigil

In observation of Coming Out Week, the UW-River Falls Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) will be holding a candlelight vigil on the Student Center lawn at 6:00 p.m. on Oct. 11, the day nationally recognized as Coming Out Day.

28 Sep 2006

Students elect new senators

Student Senate elections took place on Monday and Tuesday, with positions being filled for college representative for the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), at-large senator and first-year representative. Michael Freedman, Rebecca Piene and Derek Brandt will fill three vacant seats on the Senate.

21 Sep 2006

Street preachers condemn the sins of curious crowd

Two street preachers made their presence known last Wednesday as they stood in front of the Student Center advocating their religious beliefs, compelling students to listen and refute those statements.

21 Sep 2006

RAs receive roommates

With limited housing available for the number of students seeking on-campus residence this semester, Residence Life officials turned hundreds of students away, filled temporary housing units and assigned some students to live with resident assistants (RAs).

06 Apr 2006

Out of this world

After the sun had set and the day's classes had concluded at UW-River Falls, students, staff and members of the community focused their gaze on the night sky during the physics department's observatory viewing session on the third floor of Centennial Science Hall.

24 Feb 2006

The heat is on

As gray, billowy smoke rolls from the 163-foot smoke stack, students, staff and faculty go about their daily activities, unaware of the impact the Central Heating Plant has on their lives.

Jennie Oemig

Jennie Oemig is a student at UW-River Falls.