Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Bethany Lovejoy

02 May 2018

'In-Lawfully Yours': Don't sleep in a dead wife's bed

This movie was suggested to me by my grandma and I hope that my grandmother thinks about what she has done, because this is not the best movie in the world. This is painful and awkward and horrible, and why do these people have such weird relationships?

02 May 2018

Horoscopes by Beth: Finally over

Aries: You’re going to pass your finals by the seat of your pants and quite frankly I am amazed. I always knew you were smart, Aries, but when you spent all last week watching the movie "Labyrinth," I admit some doubt was sowed.

25 Apr 2018

'Tragedy Girls?' More like strategy girls

It gets 4/5 stars. It didn't have the make outs my heart desired, but it had the murders I needed to make it through the week.

25 Apr 2018

Horoscopes by Beth: It’s hot and my brain is melting

You’ve been wondering where your horoscope has been on and off for the past month, and this week most of all you needed it. Don’t worry, young Aries (or professor); I heard you call and here I stand.

18 Apr 2018

Beth's trailer predictions: Movies to maybe see this summer

On that note, it’s been a fairly stressful week in roomhold (just my room, which is just me). Therefore, we are going to look towards the sweet cheesy future at movies I will maybe (probably not) see.

11 Apr 2018

'The Little Hours': Velma ruins everything

This week I watched "The Little Hours," which is about nuns being nuns and doing un-nun things.

11 Apr 2018

Horoscopes with Beth: Sunny with a chance of sass

You’re going to post a lot on Snapchat this week, but not about things that people actually care about. You’ll probably make the equivalent of a stop motion of you blinking then add a fun caption that says something along the lines of, “OMG, actually, like, the way I look today, even though my hair is a little messy, lol.”

04 Apr 2018

'Death Note': The worst movie you can find

I’m going to be honest, It was actually the worst movie, like ever. Like I’ve seen some things, but at least those things are kinda funny. This is not, this just happened.

28 Mar 2018

Horoscopes by Beth: The bad romantic cliché edition

Did you know that April is the most romantic month of all? This fact often surprises people, as there’s February, December and literally any other month. But it is; it’s all due to Easter and copious amounts of egg eating.

Eggs are like an aphrodisiac that sends those hormones rolling. In honor of the month of romance, here are all your very romantic horoscopes.

28 Mar 2018

'Twilight' extended edition: Same vampires, more make out scenes

I’d like to extend my hand to the twilight extended edition…. And slap it.
Here is a fact that has been reiterated to the student voice staff multiple times this year: I watch the movie Twilight, like, a lot.

Bethany Lovejoy