Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Jordan Langer

05 May 2011

Budget woes spur retirements

The 28 UW-River Falls faculty and staff that have or will retire at the end of the academic year is the largest number of retirements at UWRF in the past four years.

28 Apr 2011

Chancellor hosts town hall meeting

Chancellor Dean Van Galen, along with the Special Assistant to the Chancellor Blake Fry and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Gregg Heinselman held a student town hall meeting Tuesday to inform students about the university budget, differential tuition, the Wisconsin Idea Partnership and tuition reciprocity.

21 Apr 2011

Changes considered for textbook rental

The UW-River Falls administration is considering turning Textbook Services over to a private company, a move that could save the University money.

14 Apr 2011

Friends remember Kersten Greene

UW-River Falls freshman, Kersten Greene, 19, who was found dead in her dorm room in Prucha Hall April 7, has been described by her former dorm mate, Alyssa Shelton, as an incredible and amazing person.

14 Apr 2011

UWRF cuts top administrator's position

In response to Gov. Scott Walker’s 2011-13 proposed biennial budget that includes a $2.8 million reduction in state funding to UW-River Falls, the administration is forced to reduce spending in order to preserve the academic mission of UWRF, said Chancellor Dean Van Galen.

14 Apr 2011

Graduating senior bucket list

UW-River Falls senior Nicole Leisgang has all ready spent an evening in the observatory on campus but she has several more things on her “college bucket list” that she must complete before she graduates.

08 Apr 2011

Chief enrollment services position eliminated

The position of Associate Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Services, currently held by Alan Tuchtenhagen, is going to be eliminated after the school year is complete.

07 Apr 2011

Officials identify student found dead in Prucha Hall

The female student who was found dead Thursday morning in Prucha Hall has been identified as Freshman Kersten Janel Greene, 19, from Eau Claire, Wis., according to River Falls Police Sgt. Jon Aubart.

07 Apr 2011

Residence hall event takes trip to the past

Resident assistances and hall managers from Johnson and May residence hall will be putting on an all-campus event Tuesday that harkens back to the 1920s.

01 Apr 2011

Faculty votes strongly to approve union

UW-River Falls faculty members have voted in favor of union representation through AFT-Wisconsin.

Jordan Langer