Student Voice


March 13, 2025

Ryen Kleiser

05 May 2011

TV on the Radio releases ‘Nine Types of Light’

Over the last couple of months the Indie group TV on the Radio, has been taken on one hell of an emotional rollercoaster ride. Seemingly going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. On April 12, the […]

28 Apr 2011

Florence and the Machine storms indie music scene

Over the last few months, absolutely no band has been hotter on the indie music scene than the fantastic Florence and the Machine. Seemingly out of nowhere came this powerhouse of a group and with no warning, the industry has […]

21 Apr 2011

Skrillex’s debut album rivals Deadmau5’s brilliance

For those of you readers out there with avid interest in the electronic music industry, you may recognize the progressive nature of this competitive field. Not long ago, the likes of MSTRKRFT, David Guetta, and Deadmau5 were making their ways […]

14 Apr 2011

Lupe Fiasco blows listeners away with ‘Lasers’

The raging world of music is changing nearly every single day. Yet, in the rapping world, I have personally found what almost seems to be a certain level of complacency amongst mainstream rappers, many of which are producing track after […]

07 Apr 2011

‘Mind Bokeh’ proves entertaining

Creativity. It can be expressed in many different ways, from writing, drawing, graphic design and most definitely music. In fact, the music realm needs creativity to keep inspiring different sounds and approaches towards making music. In a sense, creativity is […]

01 Apr 2011

The Strokes blow fans away with newest album ‘Angles’

Believe it or not, it’s been five years already since the last album release from the once unstoppable pop/rock band The Strokes. Back in 2001, The Strokes hit the music scene like wildfire, made fans crave their entraning pop melodies […]

24 Mar 2011

Broken Bells proves James Mercer's and Danger Mouse's musical genius

More often than not in the music industry, bands come together trying to form that mystical thing known as the “super group.” The truth of the matter is, the end result of most of these attempts is the same boring […]

10 Mar 2011

Australian band storms music scene with ‘Zonoscope’

Upon hearing the likes of Australia being in the music forefront in America, one may laugh heartily in response. But in all honesty, quite a few predominant bands in the music industry have recently made it to the American music […]

03 Mar 2011

'The King of Limbs' demonstrates musical finesse

Just recently, the musical masterminds called Radiohead released their latest album, simply known as “The King of Limbs.” Prior to its release, I really didn’t hear much advertisement or promotion and, honestly, hadn’t even known they were back in the […]

24 Feb 2011

Daft Punk’s newest album manifests an aptitude for music

A name synonymous with electronic music, Daft Punk has yet again proven their superiority with their release of the Tron Soundtrack. With Tron being a Disney movie, normally I would be quite apprehensive towards jumping on board with it, let […]

Ryen Kleiser

Ryen Kleiser is a laid back biology student at UW-River Falls. He is hoping to become a well-known marine biologist and teacher.