Student Voice


March 13, 2025

Joe Hager

01 Nov 2007

Taco Bell starts border-hopping

America is the greatest country in the world. Of course, I’ve always believed this—everyone knows we have the best everything in America. And that includes Mexican food. How do I know this? Well, last week, Taco Bell announced that it […]

25 Oct 2007

Midst overabundance of reality television, some programs still stand out

People, television is in trouble. I suspect it’s been in trouble since Survivor started more than a decade ago. We have more than 30 channels on campus, and every once in awhile, I like to flip through them like a […]

18 Oct 2007

University bar would have been a happier choice for UWRF student majority

Last week, our lovely Student Voice published an article about the opening of Roots, the new healthy-choice eating venue in the lower level of the University Center. The article also touched on the subject of a bar being installed in that same location, which is obviously no longer an option.

11 Oct 2007

Law enforcers should be well-equipped

It has come to my attention that in recent weeks, both our on-campus Public Safety officers and the local RFPD officers have stepped up security around our quaint little town of River Falls. This is made obvious when you take […]

04 Oct 2007

Early retirement looks like fun

I’ve been thinking more and more about retiring. Sure, I’m only 23 years old, and I’ve got my whole life stretched in front of me; it’s like my own giant smörgåsbord of opportunity. Think of the wonderful experiences I’ll have as I progress through the stages of life. But I’d rather focus on what’s really important: relaxation.

28 Sep 2007

Summer jobs stifle sensitivities

Summer sucks. It’s taken me a long time to admit it, but summer can bite me. Besides inducing chronic swamp-ass and terminal laziness, the college summer is only good for one thing: cold, hard cash.

20 Sep 2007

Student response to street preachers lacks maturity

Last week, incoming freshmen were treated to a highly anticipated annual event here at River Falls: the traveling ministry of Brother Jed.

02 Mar 2007

Gay rights should be supported

Since former NBA All-Star Tim Hardaway made news a couple weeks ago with his hateful comments toward gays, I’ve been thinking more and more about the attitude of my own generation regarding the topic of homosexuality.

09 Feb 2007

Reaction to Evans’ column unnecessary

I am astounded at this utterly unnecessary controversy surrounding Kris Evans’ sweatpants article. Since last week, hordes of women on campus have been parading around in sweatpants in defiance of the article in question.

Joe Hager

Joe Hager is a student at UW-River Falls.