Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Brittany Flatten

06 Apr 2012

Opportunities abound in Destination program

The Destination program at UW-River Falls has opened opportunities for students to take part in service projects that revolve around social issues that they are passionate about.

30 Mar 2012

Senate election brings new leadership

The elections for Student Senate are right around the corner and it will be up to the students to decide who they think will best represent the entire student body.

23 Mar 2012

UW-River Falls stays positive after budget cuts

The University hopes to maintain quality education despite an 11 percent base budget reduction. Recent budget lapses have made it increasingly difficult to provide funding for units that are important to the University.

09 Mar 2012

Chancellor requests reasoning behind three failed segregated fee proposals

Chancellor Dean Van Galen has requested a list of reasons as to why three motions for proposed segregated fee increases were rejected by Student Senate.

02 Mar 2012

Segregated fees increase in response to campus-wide department needs

Students may see an increase in their segregated (seg) fees for the 2012-2013 academic year in response to the passage of four out of seven motions brought before the Student Senate.

24 Feb 2012

Spring Student Senate elections present leadership opportunities

The nine-week cycle for Student Senate elections has begun, but in the early stages it is hard to tell just how much interest there is and who will be running.

17 Feb 2012

Reserve account triggers spending discussions

The Reserves Projects Ad Hoc (Super) Committee held a Feb. 8 town hall meeting in the Kinni Theater to allow students to share their ideas about how to spend down two reserve accounts currently totaling around $120,000.

10 Feb 2012

UWRF University Center proves prime location to hold third annual Knowing Autism Conference

On Friday, Feb. 3, more than 200 people attended the 3rd annual Knowing Autism Conference held at the University Center.

03 Feb 2012

Student Senate examines budget

The spring semester has barely begun at UW-River Falls, and Student Senate has already held two meetings. The beginning of a new semester brings a few challenges for the Senate and new items on the agenda to be looked at.

Brittany Flatten

Brittany Flatten is a senior majoring in journalism and minoring in international studies. When she graduates from UW-River Falls, she wants to become a foreign correspondent in Brussels, Belgium.