Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Renae Cranston

05 Dec 2014

UWRF professor publishes ‘Steps of the Sun’

UW-River Falls English Professor Steven Luebke recently published a novel he has been working on since “Beatles” founder John Lennon’s death.

14 Nov 2014

Health professor speaks about deadly Ebola virus

Ebola is a virus that is very prevalent in West Africa right now, and the virus has made its way to the U.S. and that has caused quite a stir amongst some people and news media outlets, but is there really anything to be afraid of?

07 Nov 2014

Professional-grade camera to be demonstrated at UWRF

UW-River Falls has been put on the list for the RED Cinema EDU Tour. RED Cinema Camera Company is an American company that produces professional quality digital cinematography and photography equipment.

31 Oct 2014

Construction mystery solved, it’s a chilled water line

It started as what looked like a small sidewalk modification, now there are giant digging machines pulling up the ground, so why in the world are they digging in the middle of campus?

24 Oct 2014

Judging team places sixth at World Dairy Expo

The UW-River Falls Dairy Cattle Judging Team took sixth place this year at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin, which took place between Sept. 30-Oct. 4. This is quite an accomplishment considering the vast amount of competition that attends the expo; 21 teams competed this year.

17 Oct 2014

Vinehout and Pittman compete for Senate

The Wisconsin 31st District Senate election is well underway; which candidate do you support to be your voice in local and state government?

10 Oct 2014

Sudents and faculty debate the tall grass on Cascade

Cascade Avenue’s new design is appearing to be a pain in the grass for those having to cross or drive down it on a regular basis.

03 Oct 2014

New director prompts changes to Falcon Scholars and Honors Program

The Falcon Scholars and Honors Programs have a new face and a new space. On Sept. 2 the programs were linked and given a space devoted to students as a giant step forward to promote and utilize the benefits of both of them.

26 Sep 2014

Veteran Services on campus provides support at UWRF

UW-River Falls has about 225 veterans and family members on campus this semester, and an estimated 190 veterans who have served currently enrolled, according to Veteran Services.

19 Sep 2014

Enrollment decrease spurs future changes, goals

Over the past five years UW-River Falls has seen a decrease in enrollment, but several recent changes have been implemented in an attempt to turn things around.

Renae Cranston

Renae Cranston is a student at UW-River Falls.