Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Billy Thao

21 Nov 2014

Life is absurd, revolt against suicide

On Aug. 11, I was following my daily exercise routine at my home when I took a break for five minutes before continuing my intense workout. I had my phone with me, and I check it very often. Unsurprisingly, I received a text message from a great friend of mine. I opened the text and it wasn’t the usual common courtesy. It was an instant message that surprised me and left me unconscious of my intense workout: “Billy. Robin Williams passed away.”

10 Oct 2014

Leadership organization brings students together

I don’t want to exclude other UWRF student organizations because they all have dedicated their time to integrate students to become better leaders, thinkers and citizens, but for me, there is one particular student organization that changed my life: UWRF Students Today, Leaders Forever.

18 Sep 2014

Losing weight proves to be taxing, ultimately worthwhile struggle

As a young boy I faced the common issue in our society: obesity. I remember nervously standing on the weight scale at each doctor’s visit. At the age of nine I already weighed 100 pounds; in junior high school I reached 150 pounds; and at the age of 16 I hit the big 200.

18 Oct 2013

Falcon pride

Editorial cartoon by Billy Thao.

10 Oct 2013

My dream vs. my reality

Editorial cartoon.

05 Oct 2013

No smoking

Editorial cartoon.

27 Sep 2013

The mind is everything...

Editorial cartoon.

Billy Thao

Billy Thao is a student at UW-River Falls.