Tyler Liedman
04 May 2007
Students create Facebook groups for 2008 presidential campaigns
The presidential election may still be 18 months away, and primary elections nearly a year down the road, but politics is not far from the minds of many UW-River Falls students.
04 May 2007
Life continues on despite tragedies
September to May, another eight months on Earth: A middle-eastern war against god-knows-who for god-knows-what rages on, still no end in sight.
20 Apr 2007
Death of author leaves the world with a legacy not to be forgotten
Author, artist and counterculture icon Kurt Vonnegut Jr., who was best known for novels such as "Slaughterhouse-five" and "Cat's Cradle" died April 11 in Manhattan from brain injuries at 84.
06 Apr 2007
Media provides a false sense of human worth on Earth
Then again, does any of it really matter? I mean, you could try your best to end a war across the world; argue with your competing ethics about free-market economies until you ran out of breath. You could stand on your soapbox and try to tell the world what it needs. But what will that prove?
23 Mar 2007
Relevance of historic quote questioned
On this very day in 1775, colonist Patrick Henry spoke the words that would come to represent the spirit of the impending American Revolution: “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
02 Mar 2007
Movie rental laws changing
Over the past few months, a debate has raged in a Massachusetts court over a tradition as American as hot dogs, Superman, McDonald’s and the World Series combined: our right to rent movies.
16 Feb 2007
Surprise video left in movie store box
There are some stories, that no matter how long you look at them, the facts never seem to add up. The more you think about them, the more confusing they seem.
02 Feb 2007
Natural redheads are endangered
During the J-term break, I came across a scientific study released in 2005 regarding redheads. These persons contain a recessive gene in their DNA on the 16th chromosome.