Molly Kinney
25 Mar 2015
College Republicans, Democrats differ on effects of Walker's cuts
Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed $300 million cuts to the UW System have naturally prompted very different responses from the UW-River Falls College Democrats and Republicans, two of the four political party student organizations on campus.
25 Feb 2015
UW System budget cuts could deflate UWRF art department
Four weeks after Gov. Scott Walker’s initial proposal to cut $300 million from the UW system, $4.2 million from UW-River Falls, many students still aren’t aware that massive changes will be taking place on our campus within the next year, though talk of the proposal has reached the far corners of faculty offices, Kleinpell Fine Arts (KFA) bathroom stalls, and even the UWRF confessions Facebook page.
18 Feb 2015
Global Divestment Day draws attention to fossil fuels
The Environmental Corps of Sustainability (ECOS) silenced the University Center on Friday, Feb. 13, by forming a human mosaic during the first annual Global Divestment Day, drawing attention to the UW-River Falls Fossil Free campaign, and mobilizing with the 460 simultaneous events around the world.
11 Feb 2015
Important history of Valentine's Day should be considered
I started my column last week acknowledging that this month revolves around the 24 hour period reserved for lovers: Valentine's Day. The hype starts weeks out in stores such as Walgreens, Target, Hallmark and the like, but as we know, the peak of romantic anticipation is this Saturday, Feb. 14.
11 Feb 2015
Proposed regional oil pipeline to have lasting negative effects
I hope that anyone who wants an at least habitable, if not beautiful, world for children of future generations, will join ECOS in urging our campus to divest from fossil fuels. We must make it visible for policymakers, such as those on the PUC, that we want them to start taking bigger steps towards climate justice.
04 Feb 2015
Eating Disorders Awareness Month sheds light on important issue
This week marks the start of Eating Disorder Awareness Month, specifically the week of Feb. 23 through March 1.
05 Dec 2014
Overuse of technology may lead to distorted human experience
The scene is quite common: A group of students are sitting in the University Center dining area; they seem to be friends, but at least a few -- if not all of them -- are looking at their cell phones rather than each other, or at least have them ready and waiting on the table for that next Facebook notification.
14 Nov 2014
Art Society and Glass Club view world art galleries in Chicago
Thursday was a long day for members of UW-River Falls Art Society and Glass Club, as they traveled from 10 a.m. to around 6 p.m. in university vans from River Falls to Chicago, Illinois, for the 21st annual art event called Sculptural Objects and Functional Art.