Cristin Dempsey
06 May 2015
Final remarks from a four-year columnist
The strange yet fascinating thing about life is that you can’t really plan it. It just, happens. And as I sit here writing to you one last time, one week away from graduation, I want you to know that that is a constant throughout our entire lives.
29 Apr 2015
College is full of potential life lessons
I think when you make it to your last semester of college, you never truly think about it until the last few weeks of class, when you are figuring out ways to straighten out your cap and gown, what in your apartment is ready to be packed up and hauled away, and when you can count your major assignments left in college on one hand.
22 Apr 2015
Spring summons 'the pamphlet people'
Just when I thought it was ending, it was beginning again. Yes, that’s right everyone, the pamphlet people were out last week.
15 Apr 2015
Some textbooks have become obsolete
Earlier this week I successfully did something many college students only wish they could successfully do: I opened a textbook, and I read it. Now, that is not to say I'm put in some elite class of professional textbook readers. In fact, I am quite the opposite. As a professional writing major, I find that I don't have to completely rely on a textbook to do well in my classes.
08 Apr 2015
Commissioned Composer Concert to feature extremely unique music
Saturday, April 11, is the 49th Annual Commissioned Composer Concert, a consistently busy yet rewarding experience for the UW-River Falls music department.
25 Mar 2015
Spring break benefits students
Wherever you go, it is important to just go. Traveling to different parts of the country or the world, whether for spring break or just a trip, is an experience of a lifetime.
04 Mar 2015
'The Dress' breaks the internet
Late last week, while you were performing in concerts, playing sports games, and scrambling to finish a big assignment before the end of the week, the internet was exploding. Not over budget cuts, not over the threat of terrorism, but over a dress, or, "The Dress."
25 Feb 2015
Symphony Band works with famous composer
This week is a busy one for the UW-River Falls Symphony Band as all year we have awaited the arrival of famous composer, Johan de Meij.
18 Feb 2015
Oscar night should feature more blockbusters
This Sunday marks one of the busiest, most exciting days both in Hollywood and the entire movie world; it's the Oscars, a night to recognize some of the best films and actors of the year.
11 Feb 2015
Pointless Valentine's Day shouldn't exist
Everyone is abuzz this week with holiday fever, and the end of this week is Valentine’s Day, or in my opinion, the day to stay home and hide from the world.