Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Rebecca De Neui

03 May 2007

UWRF adds personal finance course to general education

National statistics regarding student debt have sparked an interest for UW-River Falls to find ways to educate students about credit cards and managing finances.

14 Dec 2006

As one journey ends, another begins

Another semester is winding down at UW-River Falls. While some students are cramming for finals, others are too excited for Christmas and J-term to care about their grades, and still others are getting ready to take the next step in their lives: graduate.

08 Dec 2006

Even good students skip class

I am going to put this very bluntly. As a student who has spent four and a half years on this campus, I proclaim it is not necessary for professors to have attendance policies.

07 Dec 2006

HPV vaccine available at RF clinic

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common STD in the United States. It is estimated that 50 percent of all sexually active men and women acquire some type of HPV in their lifetime. Statistics also show the majority of people infected with an STD are between the ages of 15 and 29, putting college students at the heart of the problem.

30 Nov 2006

Women face challenges balancing career and family

It is a known fact that the majority of students on the UW-River Falls campus are females. Many of these women plan to graduate, begin their careers and eventually get married and have families. Yet many don’t realize a number of frustrating obstacles that exist when it comes to juggling a successful career and maintaining a happy home.

17 Nov 2006

Thanksgiving skipped over

In the past couple of years, one of the most arguably important holidays in our nation’s history has been skipped over.

16 Nov 2006

UWRF e-mail causes campus problems

E-mail is one of the most vital communication tools in today’s world. College students use it as a way to conveniently get in touch with their professors, peers and employers. Unfortunately, this year e-mail has been a little more of a hindrance than help on the UW-River Falls campus.

09 Nov 2006

Rape center relocates RF office

Since 2001, local sexual assault victims have been served by the St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) at nearby hospitals and emergency rooms. Yet with the victims’ fear of public embarrassment on her mind, Executive Director Kristi Pavek made the decision to transition to a one-stop shop for dealing with assault situations.

03 Nov 2006

No excuse for avoiding Nov. 7 vote

On Nov. 7, people across the nation will go to their local churches, community centers and elementary schools to voice their opinions on who they believe will best lead their towns, cities and states. They will exercise their right as American citizens to choose who governs them. They realize that so many of the decisions they make today will directly influence tomorrow and where this nation will be 20 years from now, 30 years from now and maybe even 100 years from now.

26 Oct 2006

Free Clinic to begin services in spring

River Falls has a variety of health care options for its residents, including the River Falls Area Hospital, River Falls Medical Clinic and Pierce Country Reproductive Health Services. Unfortunately, a void still exists in options that are available, and not everyone in River Falls and the surrounding area can afford the health care they need to live an optimum lifestyle.

Rebecca De Neui

Rebecca De Neui is a student at UW-River Falls.