Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Lee Ann Bjerstedt

20 Sep 2007

Senate begins year with positive outlook

The first two Student Senate meetings have already taken place, and after getting some basic paperwork out of the way, Senate officials are optimistic about plans for the upcoming academic year.

03 May 2007

Student Health Services offers students resources to de-stress, relax

Many students know the feelings that approach as the semester draws to a close — last minute studying, pulling together group projects and above all, feeling stressed out.

26 Apr 2007

UWRF launches sustainable institute for new development, goals

UW-River Falls has always supported sustainability principles, both on campus and off. In the face of new sustainability issues involving growth and change in the surrounding communities, UWRF created the St. Croix Institute of Sustainable Community Development (SCISCD).

26 Apr 2007

Students lack awareness of community's offerings

More and more, it seems that students on the UW-River Falls campus are centering themselves on campus and forgetting that they are within a downtown community as well.

19 Apr 2007

Free health clinic set to open this month

In 2004, about 272,000 Wisconsin residents were uninsured for the entire year, according to a Jan. 9 report released by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. With fundraising efforts, uninsured and low-income residents of Pierce and St. Croix counties will now have a place to go for basic medical care.

19 Apr 2007

Coed Badminton Club offers fun, competition

Broomball, flag football and ultimate Frisbee won’t be seen at the Olympics, but they can be found on the UW-River Falls campus. In spring of 2005, badminton joined the growing list of intramurals offered to UWRF students and has grown in popularity since.

05 Apr 2007

Red Cross holds annual blood drive

Every day, blood and blood products are used to help people in serious medical need. Thanks to the Red Cross and students at UW-River Falls, enough blood is provided to save hundreds of lives.

23 Mar 2007

Cooking oil, now trans-fat free, allows for healthier food options

Most college students have heard of the dreaded “freshman 15,” referring to pounds that students are likely to pack on their first year away from home.

08 Mar 2007

SHS provides kits to eliminate flu, cold symptoms

Fall brings cooler temperatures, colorful foliage and bonfires. However, it can also bring with it body aches, sniffles and sinus pressure.

01 Mar 2007

Student fees increase for 2007-08 academic year

According to the minutes from the Feb. 13 Student Senate meeting, it had been previously resolved to implement the fee increases starting with the 2006-07 academic year. However, other increases led Senate to push them back by one year.

Lee Ann Bjerstedt

Lee Ann Bjerstedt is a student at UW-River Falls.