Student Voice


March 13, 2025

22 Apr 2015

Student Senate lacks appropriate governmental documentation

I have been attempting to follow the actions of the UW-River Falls Student Senate through their records. Senate's records as posted online aren't complete and show alteration. For example, all of the agendas posted by Senate in 2014-2015 show as being posted at 9:02 a.m. on April 21. This makes it impossible for a citizen to ascertain if the agendas were posted late, changed after the fact or altered in some way. What should be an official government document now has no validity and is impossible to verify.

14 Oct 2014

Seasoned student evaluates differences between tuition costs, way of life across three generations

Tonight I enjoyed a fine dinner and reflected on political power in America. I had salmon with a maple sauce, parmesan risotto, and perfectly seared root vegetables.

03 Oct 2014

Register to vote on Nov. 4

After several setbacks, the documents students need to register and be voters in the Nov. 4 election are available. Voter ID cards are free in the card office, lower level of Davee Library.

30 Mar 2012

Students encouraged to vote in upcoming elections

Wisconsin will be holding local elections and the presidential primary on Tuesday, April 3. UW-River Falls students who are U.S. citizens and have lived in Wisconsin for 28 days (including those who live on campus) are eligible voters in these elections.

07 Oct 2010

Student encourages voting in upcoming elections

Wisconsin is not Rome -- you do not have to go to Bethlehem or whatever hamlet your parents are from to vote. If you live here you can vote here.

30 Sep 2010

Students are encouraged to vote

On Nov. 2 it will again be Election Day in America. Offices up for election this year include U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, governor and other state offices, State Assembly, State Senate and county offices such as sheriff.

11 Feb 2010

Students should consider voting in this week’s primary election

On Tuesday February 16 there will be Primary Elections for local elected offi ces across Wisconsin. In River Falls there will be a Primary Election for Pierce County Judge and for City Council District 4. In both of these elections […]

08 Oct 2009

Politics affect students' lives

The term “Fourth Estate” has been used to describe the press. The term was supposedly first used by the British politician Edmund Burke, who stated, “There were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters’ Gallery yonder, there sat a […]

02 Oct 2009

Student Voice fails to showcase Senate

Many have observed the necessity of a free and independent press in America. Indeed, for the proper functioning of a democracy, the public must have access to the information required to be an informed citizen.

03 Apr 2009

Local elections in near future

It’s spring in Wisconsin, and that means it is time for elections. On Tuesday, April 7, citizens from across Wisconsin will head to the polls to vote for their choices for State Supreme Court, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, School Boards, City Councils, local judges and other choices depending on where they live.