17 Feb 2011
Protests rage in Madison
It was not easy to wake up and make the 5 a.m. bus to Madison Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011, for the Scott Walker Budget Repair Bill protest. I was anticipating a relatively small crowd, but to my surprise, the capitol […]
28 Oct 2010
Student encourages voting in upcoming midterm elections
As I talk to people about the voting process and participation, a great deal of reasons are given to why they choose not to be partakers of such a unique experience, considering the midterm elections are upon us. A friend […]
21 Oct 2010
Student encourages voting, supports Gregory for Sheriff
This Nov. 2 will be a big deal for those who plan to make their voices heard. I have been researching candidates for many weeks now in order to make sure that I make the best voting decisions this upcoming […]