Leo Alberti
11 Oct 2012
Smith columns not appropriate for Student Voice
In reading the several issues of the Student Voice which have been released so far during the 2012-13 academic year, I have been surprised by the writing that has been exhibited by columnist Tyler Smith.
07 Oct 2010
Recent shooting at University of Texas rekindles gun debate
I had a column planned for this week, but given the Sept. 28 shooting at the University of Texas, I decided instead to return to a topic to which I’ve given a good deal of thought in the past: the notorious gun debate.
17 Sep 2010
Americaʼs reaction to 9/11 attacks provokes fear, gives terrorists strength
It’s that time of year again. September 11. We all remember that unfortunate day. Whether you were in school, with classes paused to gape at the aftermath, or at home watching the news before work, it was a trying time […]