Student Voice


February 22, 2025


Single on Valentine’s day? No problem!

February 14, 2020

February 14 has fatally approached, and whether you’ll be spending it alone or with your dog in bed eating chips, it’s important to remember your worth and that Valentine's Day doesn’t have to be about romantic love. Do something for yourself this Valentine’s Day, here is a list of things you can do if you’re single:

1. Why does Valentine’s day have to be all about Romantic love? Share how much you care about your friends and family and tell them how much you love them.

2. Get coffee at a local coffee shop.

3. Self love and care is important any day of the year but Feb. 14 is a special excuse to make time for it in our busy schedules. Do a face mask, drink some tea, take a relaxing bath or take an extra long shower, start a journal, sleep in, go workout, create a new playlist or anything else you enjoy doing for yourself.

4. Make fun of cliche valentine cards in target.

5. Couple deals come in abundance one day a year and it is a perfect opportunity to take advantage of them. Grab a friend and get a discounted couples massage at the spa.

6. Go eat your favorite food at your favorite restaurant or cook your favorite home-cooked meal!

7. Take a day trip to your favorite place. Being outdoors this time of year can be brutal, but it can also be beautiful. Make the cold weather an excuse to get out of the house this Valentine’s day. Lake Superior has sea caves along the Apostle Islands Lakeshore that are accessible by foot. This is just one of the super cool things you can make into a day trip.

8. Enjoy being single. You may not get to enjoy the luxury of your own company as often someday, so take advantage of being independent.

9. At the end of the day keep in mind that it’s just that--another day. You don’t need to be in a relationship to have value as a person.

10. Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be about being in romantic relationships. Celebrating other loving relationships you have with your family, friends, pets and especially the one you have with yourself is a great way to spend Valentine’s day.

Anna Gunderson is a student at UW-River Falls.Natalie Riddle is a student at UW-River Falls.
