Student Voice


March 12, 2025


Five Netflix movies to watch over spring break

March 10, 2016

If you don't have any wild plans to go Costa Rica or some tropical place over spring break, here are a couple of movies that you need to watch on Netflix. I tried to pick some movies that maybe you haven’t heard of before.

Short Term 12: Short Term 12 was made in 2013 and it barely grossed over a million dollars. That to me is heartbreaking because this film is a masterpiece. It will take you on an emotional journey and make your heart ache and feel hopeful all at the same time. Starring this year's Oscar winner for best actress, Brie Larson leads a group of very talented actors and actresses that deliver on every level.  You grow connected to each person in this film and when they are hurting, you are hurting, and when they start to pick things up, you feel hope for them. The premise of this story focuses on a residential treatment facility for troubled and abused youths. As the film unfolds, it is absolutely heartbreaking to see what these kids have been through. Prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster when watching this film.

Fruitvale Station: Made in 2013, Fruitvale Station is based on a true story. Though Oscar Grant (played by Michael B. Jordan who starred in the recent hit Creed) once spent time in San Quentin, he is trying to get his life back on track. The 22-year-old is now trying hard to live a clean life and support his girlfriend and young daughter. This movie focuses on the last day of Oscar's life, in which he was accompanied by family and friends to San Francisco to watch fireworks on New Year's Eve. However, on the way back home he becomes swept up in an altercation with police that ended in tragedy. This movie had a very low budget but it doesn’t show it. Fruitvale Station is a very solid film that not everyone has seen.

The Babadook: Another movie that didn’t even break a million dollars in box office, The Babadook is a horror movie that should be seen. A troubled widow soon discovers that her son is actually telling the truth about a monster that entered their home through the pages of a children's book. With nearly every modern day horror movie, you expect the all too cliché jump scares and cheesy deaths. However, The Babadook stays away from all of that and it is awesome. The movie has a very authentic feel to the movie which creates action horror. Definitely check out this movie if you are a fan of horror.

In Bruges: After a difficult job that hits home for these men, hitmen Ray and Ken head to Belgium to go into hiding until things cool down. Ray absolutely hates this medieval city but Ken finds all of its beauty enchanting and peaceful. Now this was a very surprising movie for me when I saw it. I'm not sure what I was expecting from this movie but it blew me away. In Bruges has excellent dialogue and banter, great cinematography and directing, and fantastic acting. This movie gives off an entirely different perspective of hitmen and the struggles they go through and it is refreshing to see.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil: Do yourself a favor and watch this movie. If there is one movie on this list you NEED to watch, it is this. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is absolutely hilarious from start to finish. Tucker and Dale just want a relaxing vacation getaway but they are interrupted by a bunch of college kids that ruin everything for them. This is one of the best horror movie spoofs that I have ever seen and it is amazing. Quickly rising as a cult classic, this movie is a must-see and is definitely a good movie for social parties that will be happening over spring break. Oh and if you like this movie, get prepared for a sequel that’s aiming to come out in 2017!
