Student Voice


March 4, 2025

Homecoming brings activities to campus

October 3, 2013

Homecoming is right around the corner.

Events for UW-River Falls’ homecoming will begin on Monday, Oct. 7, and run through Saturday night, Oct. 12.

On Monday, student organizations which signed up for the window decorating will be able to begin painting the windows of business in downtown River Falls. Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator Anna Hunter said that the number of student organizations which signed up increased from roughly 13 in prior years, to 26 this year. Hunter said that there is a plan in place if the number of organizations which sign up continues to increase in future years.

“We actually have had a couple of businesses not on Main Street, but on the side streets, that have expressed that they wanted their windows painted. So we think that it will trickle out of Main Street eventually,” Hunter said.

Another event which begins on Monday is the week long, campus-wide medallion hunt. Clues for the medallion’s location will be revealed each day on Student Life’s Facebook page. The first student to find the medallion will receive a $100 gift card to the Falcon Shop.
The next campus event takes place from 4-8 p.m., on Thursday, Oct. 11, on the University Center (UC) Mall. The bean bag  tournament is run by the Recreation and Sport Facilities and is open to all students, faculty and staff.

On Friday night, Oct. 12, Student Life sponsors the Falcon’s Got Talent! Lip Sync and Variety Show. Both student organizations and individual students can register for the event. As of now, there will be 12 groups performing at this event, the most ever.

“This is anything from lip sync, to singing, to dancing, to whatever somebody wants to do to highlight their talents,” Hunter said.

Homecoming Saturday is the big day for events both on and off of the UWRF campus. The day kicks off at 8 a.m., with the Chancellor’s 5k race/walk, which begins at Ramer Field.

At 10:30 a.m., the Homecoming parade will begin at the American Legion on Main Street. The parade will proceed down Main Street, and end in back of the UC. This route for the parade is different than last year.

“We’re excited this year, because last year it got moved to Second Street. So this year we were able to bring it back to Main Street,” Hunter said. “All the UWRF groups will continue back to the University Center so they can end up back by the spirit tent area.”
The deadline for signing up for the parade is Friday, Oct. 4, but Hunter said if any students or organizations are interested in signing up after the deadline has passed, they should contact her.

The spirit tent is a new addition to the Homecoming festivities on campus and it is sponsored by the Department of Residence Life.

“The hope is that students will come and get falconized before the football game on Saturday,” said Tanya Hartwig, an area coordinator for Res Life.

Sponsors including the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) and Great Clips will be handing out spirit items, doing make-up and doing hair flair, among other things, according to Hartwig.

The spirit tent will be open in back of the UC from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The University will be running shuttles from the UC to Ramer Field again this year. This is so students can quickly go from the spirit tent to the football game without having to walk.

“[The UC] is going to be the location where the trollies will pick students up and bring them out to the football game,” Hartwig said. “We’re hoping to catch students coming into the commons for their Saturday brunch. Hopefully we’ll catch their eye and they’ll come out and get in the spirit.”

At Ramer Field, Student Senate will be handing out thunder sticks to students to arrive, in an effort to promote school spirit.

Senior Zac Luther plans on attending the football game again this year.

“It’s fun to see everyone wearing their shirts and celebrating one of the greatest weekends of the year,” Luther said.

Following the football game, Senate will be hosting an event, with food, at the amphitheater.

Finally, at 8 p.m. in the Falcon’s Nest in the UC, comedian Zach Sherwin will be performing. Sherwin is best known for writing, and performing, the “Epic Rap Battles of History.”

“There’s a lot of things going on,” Hartwig said.

For a full list of events visit
