Student Voice


February 5, 2025

Letter to the editor

Halverson asked to apologize

November 11, 2011

With regards to Student Senate President Tyler Halverson, I find it odd how he didn’t even apologize to Wes OBrien. The way I see it, it means that Halverson doesn’t care that he called a fellow student and constituent a vulgar term. Does this mean that Halverson has no sense of decency?

Or could it be that he is such a political ideologue that he really feels that he said nothing wrong? I thought that UW-River Falls was meant to be an inclusive campus, but with students like Halverson making comments such as the one he made to OBrien, I find it hard to believe. After all, calling someone a “tea bagger” doesn’t sound overly inclusive.

I would hope that Halverson has a good enough sense of decency to do something as simple as apologize. Instead he seems to think that by doing nothing, and paying no attention to it, that it will go away. As a student, I find this to be disturbing. All students should find this disturbing. Our own president thinks that he is above the rest of us, and that he can do whatever he pleases. The truth is, he is no better than us. Everyone makes mistakes. But it is those who admit that they made a mistake and work to correct it that have real character.

Luke Affolter
