Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Career Services helps students find jobs around, off campus

November 4, 2011

UW–River Falls has many on-campus job opportunities that students are utilizing in various departments, and students also have access to various tools to help find these positions.

Career Services on the UWRF campus is available for students and helps promote positions on-campus as well as off-campus. One of the ways is to direct students to Hire-a-Falcon, which contains positions in various departments that are posted. Students are also told they should go into departments they find interesting and ask if any positions are available.

“Not all positions are posted on Hirea- Falcon,” said Melissa Wilson, the Career Services director. “Some departments choose not to post it and prefer it to get around through word of mouth.”

Currently on Hire-a-Falcon, jobs are being posted for future semesters but a few are also still available for this semester. To view these positions you can type in your Falcon ID number and password on the Hire-a-Falcon website or contact Career Services.

According to the Oct. 9 to Oct. 22 student payroll, 839 students were paid for working in 1,012 different student positions. Some students have multiple student positions on campus. Of the total number of positions available, 485 of them are able to pay students, work study. Those positions depend on the student’s eligibility for work study, as determined through FAFSA.

“I love my campus jobs,” said Samantha Zastrow, a UWRF English major.

“They work around your school schedule and understand that homework comes first.” Zastrow currently works as a building manager at the University Center along with Career Services.

“I like not having to pay for gas to get to work,” said Patrick Jones, a UWRF computer science major. Jones currently works as an Infrastructure and Security Technologies (IST) networking and telecommunications technician for the on-campus Division of Technology Services.

Mock interviews are also available each semester, which are hosted by Career Services. The next mock interview day will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Nov. 9 and will be held in Riverview Ballroom at the UC. These are available for any student that signs up and are with actual businesses from off-campus. Students can also request a mock interview at any time in the Career Services office.

“We try to cater the mock interview questions to the positions the student is thinking of applying for,” said Wilson.

These practice interviews help students gain experience as to what employers will be asking and looking for. “You get to know the employer’s train of thought through these mock interviews,” said Zastrow.

Career Services also promotes positions and its services at every department fair and at all registrations. A flier is handed out at these events that promote upcoming opportunities such as their mock interview events and the Etiquette Dinner, which is on Nov. 15 in the Riverview Ballroom at the UC.

On Feb. 8, an on-campus jobs fair will be held in the Riverview Ballroom at the UC and will be available for any student that is interested
