Student Voice


March 14, 2025


How men can attract dream girl, dream job

November 12, 2009

How is it going River Falls?
I hope the plethora of stress that usually accompanies exams and midterms hasn’t overtaken anyone! However, no one is completely immune to stress, and thus it’s important to understand and practice some relaxation techniques.

When I’m feeling stressed out, I just move my body! Get yourself off your bed or chair, and just shake your booty (at least enough to get that heart pumping)!

Anything from going for a run, dancing to some music, or jumping to some jumping-jacks is enough to clear one’s mind and will help one focus on what’s truly important – school, friends and fashion (of course).

Last week’s article, the little black dress, received a lot of positive input and last weekend I did spot a lot of hot-looking ladies sporting their own ‘little black dress.’ Keep up the good work, ladies!

This week will focus on the guys on campus, and offer useful advice to dress fashionably to attract both that dream job and that dream girl.

Maybe you’re that guy on campus who doesn’t like the whole button-up, or cardigan sweaters deal—you’re thinking, “that’s just not my style!”

Well even though there is nothing wrong with experimenting with fashion that you might consider outside your comfort zone, this week’s item of the week is for the guy who likes t-shirts and comfort.

Item of the week: graphic tees

Graphic tees can be an ideal choice for any college student as it offers the comfort of a tee shirt while adding enough color and designs to capture the eye.

Graphic tees can range anywhere from a metal concert shirts to an “Ed-Hardy” or designer shirts.

However, no matter how “insane” or “mellowed-out” your shirt is, it is important to layer it over another color. For example, if your graphic tee is a black shirt with white graphics, layer your graphic tee over a white crew-neck shirt. I would recommend folding the sleeves of the white, crew-neck shirt over the sleeve of the graphic tee, showing off both the colors.

I can guarantee you that you will get compliments with this look, as just a small change can transform your look and make it look more polished.

Blazer/front-zip up:
Wearing graphic tees with a blazer or a striped/colorful front-zip sweatshirt is a great look for a graphic tee with designs that are centralized on the front of the shirt. The blazer will sophisticate and bring the focus right to the designs. It will also give the appearance of broader shoulders, making a guy appear more masculine and attractive.

A zip up sweatshirt will give the outfit a more relaxed look.

Great places to purchase interesting and affordable graphic tees online are:, and

For higher end shirts, check out “Armani Exchange” or “Nimany” online. Outlet shops such as Macys, TJ Maxx and Marshalls also offer great deals.

This week’s featured student is Robbie Huot, a senior at UWRF who sports his graphic tees and button-ups with great style and poise.

His stylish clothes and outgoing personality makes him the ideal feature. Read up on his style, and check out his photoshoot, and comment/ask questions on the Student Voice Web site,

Click on “View” under Photo Gallery to view his stylish pictures. .

Next week’s feature is Martha Torning, one of the most stylish ladies on campus. This “hottie with a body” is an avid shoes shopper with over 30 pairs of and a “little black dress” that can knock your socks off.


Priya Kailash is a student at UW-River Falls.


Online Editor on 23 Nov 2009: Since I personally don't know you, it would have to be the former. However, try dressing up one day (a sweater with a collared shirt underneath or something professional) to see for yourself if there IS a difference. It can be your little "fashion experiment", if you would like.

brad on 22 Nov 2009: Upon re-examining the ENTIRE article, as well as going through the "photoshoot," all I will say is "to each their own." In your last bit though, were you emphasizing your point or giving direct advice?

Online Editor on 21 Nov 2009: In fact this article just uses examples such as "Ed Hardy" or "Armani Exchange" for examples. The model featured in this story bought his shirt at target for under 25 dollars. Thus, next time I suggest you read the entire article and observe the pictures and hints before jumping into preemptive conclusions. Whether it's River Falls or New York, dress like you care, and you will start to look like a man, and thus be taken more seriously.

Online Editor on 21 Nov 2009: Brad, I never suggested people wear certain clothes just because they are "trendy". However, I just try to highlight the importance of looking like you put in some effort to get ready in the morning. Appearance and professionalism comes with both hygiene and good-looking clothes. There is a reason why clothes are emphasized so much during important meetings and interviews, as they play a large part when first impressions are made.

brad ogbonna on 20 Nov 2009: I hardly believe that River Falls needs anybody wearing the highly tacky clothing lines of Ed Hardy and Armani Exchange. Just because something is "trendy" doesn't make it right. What River Falls needs is simplicity suited for a simple town. Solid colors, fitting jeans, and less neon colored jackets would do the trick. These are easily accessible items that will withstand the test of time and never go out of style. Less graphic tees and zip ups should be the way to go.

mr. awesome on 12 Nov 2009: Miss Priya kailash, I liked your this weeks article. I think people do need to do layering n put some cologne when dressing up!! By the way I own one of Nimany's exclusive T-shirts given by my princess! =)
