Student Voice


February 5, 2025

Letter to the editor

Efforts in sustainability outlast Green movement

September 18, 2009

The nationwide “green movement” has been a breeding ground of special interests of all varieties in the name of protecting the environment. It moves to engender knee-capping industrial legislation and promote political agendas of nonprofit organizations. People are getting very, very rich because of it. Entire groups can shift their precious votes for one candidate solely because of it.

That being said, I would like to officially congratulate and thank UWRF for its goal of “Going off the Grid by 2012” and its efforts towards long-term sustainability.

Think the two are the same? I don't. Sustainability is all about doing things that are helpful to our environment, innovations in resource management and - make sure you catch the “and” - being cost effective in carrying-out of these things. Green, on the other hand, is mindlessly and relentlessly fighting to “save the Earth” via “donations” of the non-voluntary sort. The Earth needs to be saved about as much as Beck thinks basic freedoms need it here in the States: not all that much.

Recyclemania, the Ecoblue Cube, rain water to toilet water, hall energy saving competitions and home-grown energy are all brilliant ways that UWRF saves money and confesses its love for the environment. These level-headed ideas will make even the most anti-eco-nut conservative run out and at least shake hands with a tree (hugs are probably pushing it).

Look, I like the notion of this giant, deformed ball we call Earth and wouldn’t mind taking some steps to take care of it. But is it too much to ask for that we as a nation keep ration- ality at the top of the priority list when considering our options?

I say that the marriage between “going green” and sustainability ends today (green movement will probably seek unjustified alimony like the cretin wife she is) and an intimate relation- ship between rationality and sustain- ability begins.

Just remember, “green” also refers to the characteristics of deficiency in knowledge, training or experience, too.

Jordan Harshman
