Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Letter to the editor

Attacks on Senate uncalled for

March 13, 2009

I’ll agree that some of the claims made in the column “Student Senate lacks reliability, students’ voices still unheard” were warranted, but the blatant negativity and the downright malicious attacks on certain Senators was uncalled for. Some of the claims made were opinions that might be taken by some people as actual fact.

For instance, the claim that Student Senate isn’t trying to get anything done with David Rodli Hall is unfounded, we’ve been arguing with administration for months trying to put that building to use for the students. As a previous Student Senator for two-and-a-half years and a director for one- and-a-half years on Senate, I’ve become familiar with the work it takes to be a senator.

Currently I work fulltime in Madison for United Council of UW Students, Wisconsin’s Statewide Student Governing body. I have the opportunity to work with all UW System Student Governing Bodies and I can honestly say UWRF is no more ineffective or effective then most of the other campuses governing bodies!

Schools like Madison, Stevens Point or Parkside who do seem to be effective at getting student and administrations attention can only do so when students hold them accountable and vote! You can’t have an effective student governing body without accountability. So stop complaining to your friends, stop being apathetic, and start complaining directly to the Student Senate. They can’t help but listen to you if you get up in their faces and demand change!

Nikki “Snoop” Shonoiki, former student
