Student Voice


February 8, 2025

Upcoming Study Abroad Fair great opportunity

February 14, 2008

The Global Connections Office will be holding a Study Abroad Fair Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Center Falcon's Nest to help inform students of the many Study Abroad opportunities available to them at UW-River Falls.

Students will have the opportunity to meet with trip leaders, program coordinators, financial aid staff and Global Connections staff to learn more about study abroad programs, Carissa Williams, a Peer Advisor in the Global Connections Office, said.

The University offers more than 30 international Study Abroad experiences that can take students to Europe, Mexico and dozens of other destinations.

The Study Abroad Fair is one way for students to get informed about the many opportunities available to them, and can help students plan how Study Abroad classes will fit into their degree plan, Williams said.

"We usually tell students to plan early," Katie Oenga, Study Abroad and International Student advisor, said. "It's a good time to talk to their parents and look at financial aid and look at the programs."

The University offers semester long programs, such as Wisconsin in Scotland and The Abby in France, which can immerse students in another culture for an entire semester. Shorter summer and J-Term programs, such as the study tour to Belize, Ireland or Italy, are also available.

Faculty members from UWRF serve as the tour guides on study tours.

Third party providers, such as Academic Studies Abroad, will also be at the Fair to answer students' questions.

For a more complete list of programs available visit the Global Connections Web site at

Financial Aid is available for Study Abroad Programs, and members of the Financial Aid office will be present at the fair, Williams said.

"There's something that often stops [students]." Oenga said. "I can find a program that fits you; if you think you don't speak another language. Well in most of our programs your language of instruction will be English."

"It's an experience you never forget," grad student Robert Boyer said. "You come back with a different perspective on the world."

Studying abroad looks great on a resume, Oenga said.

"[Studying abroad is] essential to get a job now, if you want to get a job you have to go somewhere," Oenga said. "Being more aware of other cultures and being more aware of the world also helps you learn about yourself."
