Student Voice


October 22, 2024

Spring break provides several alternatives

March 1, 2007

Because some students choose to spend their spring break helping others or supporting a cause they find important, UW-River Falls offers trips through Destination 2007, a spring break alternative.

According to the mission statement of the program, the goal is to provide students with a challenging and fun opportunity to lead and learn through active service experiences.

This year’s participants will serve as volunteers with organizations working in one of the following areas: affordable housing, disaster relief, HIV/AIDS awareness, hunger or environmental protection.

“This year five faculty and 62 students will participate in the program,” trip coordinator Amy Moeller said.

Destination 2007 teams are full, but those interested in participating next year can look for more information in the fall. There is an application process and, upon selection, there are weekly meetings designed to prepare students for their service trips, Moeller said.

For those students living in residence halls, who are planning to stay on campus over break, all ten buildings will be open.

“All ten residence halls will remain open during spring break, as was the case over semester break as well,” Director of Residence Life Terry Willson said.

Many students must work on top of attending class to have a little extra spending money. The weeklong break is a good time to pick up some extra hours.

“I will be working at Connie’s Creamery Cone throughout break,” freshman Carlie Ross said.

While working in River Falls, she will be staying in Parker Hall.

There aren’t very many planned activities for students choosing to remain on campus over break. However, the University Center will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday though Friday and will reopen Sunday at 3 p.m.

Food service options will be available during the day and the game room will be available for student use.

“Since this is our first break since the building has been opened, we want to hear from students as to what services or hours would have better served their needs,” Director of Student Services and Programs Mike Stifter said.

While staying in the residence halls, students will be able to watch movies if they become bored during their time off work.

“The residence hall cable movie channel continues to run over break,” Willson said. “The main reason students remain on campus is because of their jobs.”

Spring break also offers students who feel homesick the chance to go home and visit their families.

“I am going home to see my family,” sophomore Nick Dietmeier of Luck, Wis., said.

While the chance to get away to somewhere warm is a little too much to bear for some students, others can’t pass up the opportunity.

“I am going to Cozumel, Mexico with my roommates,” senior Heidi Nordstrom said.

No matter what the activity, spring break offers a much-needed release from the everyday grind of the academic school year.
