Student Voice


February 12, 2025

Destrey Zarfos

13 Dec 2017

Inclusion Alliance’s reach for solutions exceeds council’s grasp on resolutions

HUDSON — The white board in the crowded room at the former library building filled with comments and concerns about what is happening in the community to enhance diversity and inclusion. At this point, it became clear to the group that change needs to happen.

06 Dec 2017

Hudson inclusivity committee rising from the ashes of civic tranquility

“You could see the ashes for a couple days. You shouldn’t just clean that up, you should see that, and the community should see the effects of that.”

29 Nov 2017

Not bored by boards: International Games Week comes to River Falls

Millennia ago, around 3,000 B.C., our ancestors were huddled around tables or sitting in circles on the floor, partaking in what would become a timeless tradition: board games. The earliest version of a game archeologists have uncovered comes from pre-dynastic Egypt. It was called Senet and is played much like modern day backgammon.

24 Oct 2017

Video: Troubled teens surface in River Falls with underwater photo exhibit

18 Oct 2017

Survey says: River Falls quality of life up, but it needs more jobs, less traffic

Bailey Knight, 22, lives just blocks away from downtown River Falls. Before she heads out the door for work, she runs a lint roller over her black apron. With a new puppy in the house, that sort of tidying up is to be expected.

18 Oct 2017

Diversity Center aspires to help students succeed, starting first year

The Center for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging has been awfully busy upping the ante and providing support to students by creating new programs and adding staff to the office.

11 Oct 2017

Allina Health River Falls Clinic brings new care to the neighborhood

As children had their faces painted and citizens climbed in and out of helicopters and ambulances on display, behind the scenes, cabinets were stocked, hand sanitizer filled and exam rooms lay prepped and ready.

04 Oct 2017

Gimme Shelter: Glen Park gets tornado-proof pavilion, more

River Falls park goers are certainly in for a treat after several years of propositions and planning. The Plan Commission, along with the Park and Recreation advisory board, joined together with other staff members and residents to develop a master plan for Glen and Hoffman Park back in 2015. Earlier this year, the City Council decided to move forward with plans to renovate Glen Park only as part of the Capital Improve Plan.

10 Apr 2017

Information cards part of UWRF campaign to teach about active shooters

The UW-River Falls Police Department, along with the Emergency Management Team, is finding new ways to provide the campus community with information on active shooter situations.

05 Apr 2017

Women’s lacrosse at UW-River Falls may become varsity sport

The UW-River Falls women’s lacrosse club team is beginning the process of becoming a varsity sport.

Destrey Zarfos