Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Katrina Styx

07 Feb 2008

Students’ interest in politics rises

An estimated 90 people showed up to “Pizza and Obama” Jan. 31 to show support for Presidential candidate Barack Obama and encourage students to vote in the upcoming primaries. The event, sponsored by the Black Student Union, began with pizza […]

13 Dec 2007

Letter to the editor misses a few points

In last week’s Letters to the Editor section, Michael Defenbaugh attacks the staff of the Student Voice for not checking facts and as a result, completely misinformed the campus and community about a concert on Dec. 4. I won’t deny […]

15 Nov 2007

Students have to take action

How can I begin to write in a few short paragraphs that which has been gnawing at me for the last few years? It is an issue of national security, of freedom, of democracy and of individuality. And it is life threatening.

01 Nov 2007

‘Bachelor’ style dating may have potential

When I was a kid, I remember my parents giving me frequent advice about dating. Both my parents come from the conservative side of the ‘60’s era, so of course they were concerned about who I dated and how that […]

25 Oct 2007

Castro crisis none of our business

I have to admit, I am getting increasingly frustrated with the U.S. government’s idea that we are the one voice in the world that is responsible for telling all the little worker countries what to do. A front-page article in […]

18 Oct 2007

Reactions to columns should be published

Each week five or six individuals go out on a limb before the entire River Falls community. These people spend their time contemplating situations that ask lots of questions and produce few answers. They frame their commentary in phrases that […]

11 Oct 2007

Slower drivers need to be attentive, considerate

I don’t understand other drivers. Why is it so difficult to drive at an appropriate speed? I have to drive down Main Street in River Falls almost every day of the week. It’s bad enough that one intersection is still […]

04 Oct 2007

College costs hurt students

Does anybody remember the days when being a college student meant you were rich? I know—when was that? Back in the day, college was a place for elitists. Tuition was paid for by scholarship, wealthy parents or extended family members. […]

28 Sep 2007

University departments need to incorporate career planning into curriculum

This is my fourth and final year as an undergraduate English major. Every time I introduce myself to someone and tell them my field of study, I am always faced with the same question: “so are you going to be […]

20 Sep 2007

Joking compromises university reputation

I’m sure many of you were witness to the spectacle on the steps of the University Center last Wednesday, and by now you know what, the fuss was all about. Once again, religious fanatics arrived to battle students over issues such as homosexual lifestyles, abstinence, smoking, drugs and drinking, not to mention the values of religious fervor. I didn’t stay long, but I heard enough to be disgusted.

Katrina Styx

Katrina Styx is a student at UW-River Falls.