Student Voice


March 13, 2025

Joy Stanton

08 May 2009

Chancellor Foster to retire this summer

Interim Chancellor Connie Foster will retire June 30, closing the door on 25 years of service at UW-River Falls.

23 Apr 2009

Local Ph.D. candidate discusses energy, natural resources

Ellsworth resident Nate Hagens, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Vermont and online editor of a Web site called the Oil Drum, spoke to a small crowd in the University center about energy, natural resources and the economy: Human […]

16 Apr 2009

Students bike to help build Ugandan school

The capital city of Uganda is 7,873 miles across the Atlantic Ocean from River Falls. UW-River Falls’ Building Tomorrow chapter members have made plans for students, staff and community members to symbolically bike the distance to Kampala from 8 a.m. […]

02 Apr 2009

UWRF graduate receives national fellowship

The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) awarded UW-River Falls graduate student Ian Johnson a fellowship in the Campus Ecology Program with a $5,000 grant for his thesis study in sustainability, Dec. 14. The 2009 NWF’s Campus Ecology fellowsÑ17 total, met in […]

26 Mar 2009

Workshop teaches UWRF students, staff about minority oppression

A stone’s throw away from the diverse, thriving Twin Cities, UW-River Falls’ minority population remains at 7 percent. The City of River Falls’ minority population is 1 percent according to the 2000 census take by the U.S. Census Bureau. An […]

12 Mar 2009

Heating plant continues testing biomass fuel

UW-River Falls’ central heating plant exceeded the highest January bill this year—the total coming to $164,700. As fuel cost rises, the staff of the 45-year-old heating plant has made an effort to find a cheap, efficient, carbon neutral fuel.  Wisconsin’s […]

19 Feb 2009

UWRF wins Residence Life awards

Dedication and leadership skills were displayed when the UW-River Falls National Residence Hall Honorary Kinni Chapter brought home 11 out of a possible 14 awards during the Wisconsin University Residence Hall Association’s annual February conference. UW-Platteville hosted the conference in […]

19 Feb 2009

UWRF assistant professor discusses trip to Poland at social justice event

During the first Social Justice Series event of the semester, Feb. 11, Todd Savage, an assistant professor in UW River Falls’ school of psychology, talked about his experiences involving a student social justice leadership mission to Poland. Extra chairs had […]

19 Feb 2009

Rainwater reuse system reinforces sustainable goals at UW-River Falls

UW-River Falls students, faculty and staff may or may not have noticed the blue signs in the University Center bathrooms commenting on the gray water in the toilets. The signs-put up during J-Term-signal the recent success of the rainwater reuse […]

05 Feb 2009

University looks inward to prioritize programs

Across the UW-River Falls campus, programs are under self-review in light of UWRF’s strategic plan and in concurrence with a budget cut from the state of Wisconsin in July 2009. UWRF will define its priorities and use solid information to […]

Joy Stanton