Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Anthony Orlando

09 Dec 2010

Film tears human soul to pieces

This is the best movie I’ve reviewed this year. Here’s why: In April of 2000, Mark Hogancamp was dragged out of a bar in New York State and beaten so severely that he suffered irreversible brain damage and spent more […]

02 Dec 2010

Harry Potter generation connects film, books as series nears end

At this point, a review for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” is probably pretty unnecessary. If you live on Earth, you spent the weekend of Nov. 19th either laying on your sofa, vaguely aware of another Harry Potter movie […]

18 Nov 2010

Nail-biter tears up train tracks

I feel like I’ve become very jaded towards newly released movies. Mostly, I just like to poke fun at the gimmicky Hollywood junk that winds up on screen, completely unashamed of its birth from a movie company profit equation. But […]

10 Nov 2010

Supervillain movie conveys mild entertainment, predictability

This is a fairly exciting time for me as a movie fan. There’s a new Coen Brothers movie on its way,  a new Darren Aronofsky movie coming down the pipes, Emma Watson is legal now (I think) and a documentary […]

04 Nov 2010

Film explores life after death

“Death is very likely the single best invention of life.” These words were spoken by someone at the 2005 Stanford university Commencement ceremony. Google it. You’ll probably be surprised. Watch the whole speech too while you’re at it. What the […]

28 Oct 2010

Film fails to capture great horserace

The conference championship cross country race is coming up this weekend, so I figured it would do my competitive spirit good to seek out an inspirational film for this week’s review. That and my brake line exploded on the freeway […]

21 Oct 2010

Movie uncovers Lennon’s life

A good movie is like a ninja, and a bad movie is like that toolbag in your history class who answers every question really matter of factly because he’s desperate to show everyone that he’s super cool or smart. Good […]

14 Oct 2010

Revenge film shakes audience

You know that feeling you get when you trip and fall down a flight of stairs, or spectacularly crash on your bicycle, or catch an edge on your snowboard and fly head over heels down the slope of an honest-to-goodness […]

07 Oct 2010

Reviewers have high remarks for film about Facebook’s origin

What is it that drives people to do what they do? Why does anybody do anything? Too often do movies of the same ilk as “The Social Network” try to attract an audience with the promise of showcasing an unlikely rise to power.

30 Sep 2010

Children’s film lacks interest, bores mature audience

My friend went ahead and pressured me into seeing (sigh) that “Owl” movie. Nevertheless, I went in with an open mind. It is a children’s movie after all. It’s gotta be pretty difficult to mess up a movie aimed at […]

Anthony Orlando

Anthony Orlando is a math major and physics minor. He runs for the UW-River Falls cross country team. He once met Dan Auerbach and is a minor celebrity in Malaysia.