Muriel Montgomery
16 Oct 2008
Barack Obama: guilty by association?
Wisconsin is one of 13 states in which the organization of ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is being investigated for election fraud. Allegedly seven felons were found working for the Milwaukee chapter of ACORN. Thousands of fraudulent […]
09 Oct 2008
Politics show masculine, feminine contrast
Joe Biden said that it would be a “backward step for women” if Sarah Palin were elected into office. On face value, his statement is absurd. A female vice-president is symbolic of an impressive move toward a new era of […]
02 Oct 2008
Democrats receive accusations for America’s economic struggle
The irony of the economic struggle with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (F&F) is not lost on me. Fannie Mae was formulated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the New Deal to help pull the United States out of the Great […]
25 Apr 2008
Iraq war is more than signs, chants
Teresa Aviles asked in her column last week: Why the low turnout at the anti-war rally? She indicated that the problem was due to students’ lack of education and awareness on the matter.
07 Feb 2008
Apparently atheism has very strict rules
I was afforded the winter break to contemplate my response to Joe Hager’s column on so-called angry atheism, so I’ll try to make the most of this opportunity. Hager complained of recent trends toward anti-religion among atheists. I prefer the […]
02 Mar 2007
All sides not represented in debate
Political debate is a staple in college life. Now is the perfect time for us to fully explore our viewpoints along with our career paths.
20 Oct 2006
Anti-smokers should adjust
The only person responsible for a student’s health is the student.