Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Jenna Lee

30 Nov 2006

New 007 actor successfully plays role

As the sixth actor to play 007, Daniel Craig, was an unlikely choice for Bond. He hasn’t been in anything memorable since he played Alex West in “Tomb Raider.”

16 Nov 2006

‘Borat’ lives up to expectations ... NOT!

It’s amazing how much hype can surround something as trivial as a movie. Sacha Baron Cohen’s character, Borat, has been making his rounds on every talk show for the past month promoting this film. CNN and other news programs have held debates over it, and foreign governments have issued statements against it. But I think the joke is really on us.

09 Nov 2006

Lee: ‘Fathers’ brings battle to life

It’s hard for war movies, or any nonfiction pieces, to give real justice to the men and women who are portrayed in them. Directors and producers blow things out of proportion, memories fade, and everyone ends up a martyr or hero at the end.

02 Nov 2006

Lee: Blood, guts, gore cannot replace a movie plot

There’s nothing like a good, old fashioned slasher film to really get the Halloween spirit going.

26 Oct 2006

Tricks in magic movie aren’t enough

I never really understood what was so great about magic. You’re paying someone (usually a guy with creepy eyebrows) to make you believe something is true, but you know it’s not, and he knows that you know it’s not. At the end of the day, there is nothing extraordinary about smoke and mirrors. And there’s nothing extraordinary about “The Prestige” -- except Scarlett Johansson’s inability to hold a decent English accent.

19 Oct 2006

‘Jesus Camp’ leaves viewers with opposing opinions

It would be easy to say that this film is just a sad portrayal of brainwashed little redneck children. But to look at it that way would be to miss a more important issue. This movie was completely intense, but […]

12 Oct 2006

‘Departed’ keeps audience captivated

I’ll be the first person to admit I don’t like action films. I especially don’t like crime movies. On top of that, I really, really hate American remakes of Asian action cop movies. But I will tell you one thing […]

05 Oct 2006

'School' teaches no new lessons

I guess you could say the movie was about a school. Kind of. And I guess the guys were scoundrels. Maybe. It definitely wasn’t bad either. But it sure as hell wasn’t good.

28 Sep 2006

Jackass 2 is positively crude

What does it say about our society when the No. 1 movie in America, which has grossed over $25 million already, is about dick, fart and pain jokes?  I guess that just makes me a jackass too, because I could […]

21 Sep 2006

‘Black Dahlia’ still an unsolved mystery

The Black Dahlia murder is the most famous, unsolved murder in California history.  The real story couldn’t have been scripted better — a young girl moves out to Hollywood to become a star (she was beautiful), doesn’t make it (but […]

Jenna Lee

Jenna Lee is a student at UW-River Falls.