Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Molly Kinney

04 May 2016

Therapeutic horse riding program gets support from UWRF connection

A lot of people like to lounge in bed on Saturday mornings, but riders, volunteers from UW-River Falls and horses at Walk On Therapeutic Riding Programs are geared up and ready to go at 10 a.m. sharp.

20 Apr 2016

Leadership course teaches community members what it takes to run River Falls

The latest Leadership River Falls class, a community course put on by the Chamber of Commerce, will graduate on May 5 upon completion of a community project.

14 Apr 2016

Following regional trend, Whole Earth food co-op renovates, rebrands

Whole Earth Grocery Cooperative in downtown River Falls received a facelift at the end of March, following the trend General Manager Evan Sayre says is happening at similar establishments throughout the region.

06 Apr 2016

UWRF student organization, Hudson business are part of effort to help honeybees

The global honeybee population has been declining for a few years, but in western Wisconsin organizations like the UW-River Falls Bee Club and the business Plantables have set out to do something about it.

30 Mar 2016

River Falls to debut bikeshare program on Earth Day

River Falls will join dozens of U.S. cities with bikeshare programs, launching what is dubbed the Blue Bike Program on Earth Day, April 22.

23 Mar 2016

Acceptance of tattoos grows among Americans, leading some to new careers

Tattoos have become more commonplace among people of all ages, especially among those in college or recent graduates, and for some people in western Wisconsin body art has become not only a form of personal expression, but also a career choice.

02 Mar 2016

More painted utility boxes in River Falls coming as public art project expands

Snow along Main Street has mostly melted away in downtown River Falls, making the painted utility boxes visible once again, and another round of public art is in the works.

24 Feb 2016

Local grassroots effort seeks to stop influence of money in politics

While Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and other presidential candidates duke it out over campaign finance reform, a few members of the River Falls community are taking the issue of monetary influence on political elections into their own hands.

17 Feb 2016

Despite presence of female candidate, young women voters drawn to Sanders

As the youngest group of voters — generation Y or millennials — start to engage in the political process, pundits have been trying to decipher what will set apart their votes from generations before them.

12 Feb 2016

We need a climate change president

President Obama's work establishing emission caps with China, working towards climate agreements at COP 21, banning new offshore oil drillings in the Arctic, and the finally denying the Keystone XL pipeline (KXL) has some news outlets dubbing him the “climate change President.” While these accomplishments are drastic, important and necessary, this title is far from accurate.

Molly Kinney

Molly Kinney is a journalism student with a political science minor. She enjoys reading, camping, music, art and exploring new cities in her free time. In the future, she would love to travel the world and cover politics for NPR.