Student Voice


March 12, 2025

Amber Jurek

08 Mar 2007

Local tech. school shows interest in Rodli

Students, staff and faculty have been talking about what will happen to the Rodli Commons building since its services were relocated to the University Center over winter break.

01 Mar 2007

Credits, class hours raise questions

While credits represent how many in-class hours a course consists of, students have expressed concern about the amount of work involved in courses with a lower credit value and credits not equaling the number of in-class hours for some courses.

22 Feb 2007

Updated admissions policy expands diversity at UWRF

An updated admissions policy will allow UW-River Falls to use an applicant’s race and ethnicity as a factor in the admissions process to help ensure diversity on campus.

15 Feb 2007

Reorganization will bring efficiency

A few administrative staff members received title changes and gained more responsibilities this semester as part of the chancellor’s plan to meet the University’s goals and needs. A new position was also created in UW-River Falls’ senior leadership.

08 Feb 2007

Plus/minus system being debated by faculty, staff and students

Almost two years after the plus/minus system was first implemented at UW-River Falls, many students, faculty and staff remain confused and frustrated with the inconsistency of its use. Junior Naomi Tomaszewski said she doesn’t mind the plus/minus system, however, it […]

05 Feb 2007

Future renovations of HHP buildings await governor’s approval

Plans to construct an addition to the Hunt Arena and Knowles Center, and to reconstruct the existing buildings may begin to be sketched out if funding for the 2007-09 budget is approved and signed by Gov. Jim Doyle. The $39 […]

14 Dec 2006

Multidisciplinary, capstone courses lacking

The effects of UW-River Falls’ switch from the old general education program to the new one were felt by many students during spring registration.

14 Dec 2006

Profs not at fault for late work

As the semester comes to an end and finals quickly approach, many professors are finding themselves grading piles of exams and assignments that have accumulated over the past several weeks. But students are growing impatient waiting for their coursework to be returned to them.

07 Dec 2006

Campus, community show appreciation for Chiefs

In honor of the Kansas City Chiefs Football Club’s dedication to UW-River Falls, the University will present the organization with the Outstanding Service Award during the fall commencement ceremony Dec. 16.

30 Nov 2006

Shorter classes among academic changes

Committees within the UW-River Falls Faculty Senate have been busy this semester discussing academic changes that could have a significant impact on students and faculty.

Amber Jurek

Amber Jurek is a student at UW-River Falls.