Student Voice


March 14, 2025

Cristin Dempsey

05 Dec 2014

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ examined just in time for Christmas

Something that I have kept a tradition for several years with my family is watching the 1946 film “It’s a Wonderful Life” at Christmastime.

21 Nov 2014

Thanksgiving brings thoughts on overlooked details

Finally, after two long months of classes, exams and papers, we will be allowed a break. Thanksgiving is coming fast and is already next week. While it is important to realize that the holiday is to commemorate pilgrims coming to the U.S. to escape religious persecution, it is also one to realize that things and people you have in your life.

07 Nov 2014

Voting rights in U.S. an earned privilege

The first full week of November upon us, so that means it is time for elections. This year is the midterm (or state) elections in the U.S., and Americans are rushing to their polling places to cast a ballot.

31 Oct 2014

Seasonal Halloween traditions contain unknown symbolism

We are already entering the final week of October, which means students around campus are finalizing their Halloween plans. What are well-known Halloween traditions, where did they come from, and what do they mean?

24 Oct 2014

Unexplained events on campus cause feelings of unease

Following last week’s shooting threat on campus, I think it is safe to say a lot of unusual circumstances have been taking place.

17 Oct 2014

Worrisome ‘Ides of October’ threat brings heightened security, caution

The events on campus in the past week have taken an unexpected turn; twice the campus police have informed students and staff of a shooting threat against the campus community, planned for Wednesday, Oct. 15.

10 Oct 2014

Internships allow students to connect with major, earn real-life experience

Even though it is still fall and we are only just over a month into the new semester, it is still never too early to start thinking about next spring, summer or post-graduation.

26 Sep 2014

Banned Books Week celebrates controversial classics

This week is known as “Banned Books Week” in the U.S., in which people are encouraged to celebrate books that were once or are currently banned around the world.

18 Sep 2014

Student involvement an important aspect of college life

It is hard to believe that summer is almost completely behind us, and soon, we will already be a month into the new school year. Students are getting settled into their dorms, apartments, or houses, getting used to a new schedule and set of syllabi and, of course, trying to fit in by joining a club, group or ensemble.

08 May 2014

Renowned band conductor works with student musicians

As the school year quickly comes to a close, the UW-River Falls music department is working to squeeze in as many concerts as they can before summer comes.

Cristin Dempsey

Cristin Dempsey is an English major and music minor from Eagan, Minn. She enjoys writing, playing the flute and swimming. After college she would like to pursue a career as an editor.