Student Voice


March 11, 2025

Amy Bohrer

13 Dec 2007

Preparations being made for changes to Wisconsin Highway 35

There is a planned makeover for that long, winding, somewhat bumpy road that leads into River Falls from Interstate 94. That road is Wisconsin Highway 35, and it will become a freeway. Highway 35 will become safer with interchanges only […]

13 Dec 2007

Potential statewide smoking ban draws mixed reactions

Imagine it is a Friday night, you enter the local bar downtown and you notice something different: no one is smoking. This situation could soon become a reality in River Falls. There is a bill in the Wisconsin legislature that could put in effect, a statewide smoking ban much like the one Minnesota introduced in October.

16 Nov 2007

Online teaching certification program begins

UW-River Falls is now offering an exclusive online graduate certificate. The certificate allows teachers to teach in alternative learning settings, and this program will effectively prepare teachers to teach in the alternative school setting.

07 Nov 2007

Turkey Trot participants run to help special needs children

Huddled outside in the cold, in running shorts at 9 a.m. Saturday, were the participants of the ninth annual Turkey Trot. The five-mile run is organized by the Health and Human Performance Department of UW-River Falls. A one-mile walk also […]

01 Nov 2007

Combat Marine adjusts to UWRF after deployment

Sitting in the University coffee shop, sipping coffee and reading the Student Voice is an average looking student. He is wearing a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. On his arms is a tattoo that says, “Carpe Diem”—Seize […]

19 Oct 2007

New graduate program to be added next fall

UW-River Falls will soon be adding a new master’s program to the curriculum. The program is called Teachers of English Speaking to Other Languages (TESOL). The most distinctive part of the program is that UWRF has made arrangements for TESOL students to study abroad at Pusan and Tamna Universities in South Korea.

27 Sep 2007

UWRF prepares for re-accreditation in April

Every 10 years, UW-River Falls gets reviewed for accreditation by the Commission of the North Central Association (NCA) of Colleges and Schools.  This April, the commission will review the university and make a campus visit.  Accreditation is an important and extensive process.

21 Sep 2006

New provost brings energy, insight to RF

There is another new face on campus this year: Provost Charles Hurt. “Charlie brings energy, experience and insight to this vital position,” said Chancellor Don Betz in a July 6 campus announcement.

Amy Bohrer

Amy Bohrer is a former UW-River Falls student.